I remember the radio play, which was about the Haganah.
Dec 24 While Eugene played with Bobby R in his house Sylvia and I went to the library where Sylvia drew "The Young Aunts" "The Davenports and Cherry Pie" "The Smiths and Rusty" All by Alice Dalgliesh and "Alice's Family" by Lorraine Beim. A mine explosion in West Frankfort, Ill. Friday has resulted in scores of deaths. Final totals are not yet known. Four U.S. fliers held in Hungary for violating the border were fined $40,000 each as part of a spy plot. Molly came over as Sam and Lilly Altschuler were to visit us. I couldn't see them as I had to work. Sam was gorgeous, Lil said later.
Dec 25 The second report of the Mayor's Comm. on Unity whitewashing Billigsley and his Stork Club on the Jo Baker incident was released by Mayor Impelliteri. The first report, critical was withheld by the Mayor. Libya was formally proclaimed independent under the U.N. The toll of the mine disaster was set at 119 with one miner miraculously saved.
Dec 26 Lil and the kids went over to Lil's for lunch. Gifts were exchanged.
Dec 27 Lil and the kids went over to Shirley today. Seth scurried around ceaselessly. The 30 day truce deadline arrived with no agreement reached. An NAACP Negro was killed in his home in Florida by a planted bomb. George Kennan, author of the Russia containment policy was named Ambassador to Russia.
Dec 28 Lil took Eugene to Dr Holzman to see about the rash ... It is due to an allergy. The doctor prescribed an ointment and also advised elimination of certain foods to discover the cause. Also some pills. Gus Hall was
Dec 29 The Rabbi at the temple called up Eugene to say the prayer at the lighting of the candles at the services Friday night. Lil and Sylvia also went. Sylvia wouldn't go on stage to say "Kiddush". She has develped an inflamed pupil of the eye which Lil is treating with argyrol and yellow Mercury of oxide. Nine "cops" were dismissed in the graft cases. Hungary freed the four U.S. flyers for the $12,000 "ransom". We have closed Hungary consulates here and banned travel there. Tallulah Bankhead's maid was found guilty of raising her employer's checks.