Thursday, August 17, 2017


Dec 23 Sunday Mom and pop came over this afternoon. Mom gave us $10. for our anniversary. Also Chanakuh dollars for the kids. We had some supper on the new bridge table Lil got ($9). We listened to the kids play piano and scrap continually. In the morning Lil had seen the kids act at the temple Chanakuh party. Syl's class put on charades. Eugene's wrote and acted a radio play of the underground defence of Israel against the Arabs in 1947. Eugene enunciated beautifully, Lil said. I read Heywood Braun's Articles edited by his son.

I remember the radio play, which was about the Haganah. 

Dec 24 While Eugene played with Bobby R in his house Sylvia and I went to the library where Sylvia drew "The Young Aunts" "The Davenports and Cherry Pie" "The Smiths and Rusty" All by Alice Dalgliesh and "Alice's Family" by Lorraine Beim. A mine explosion in West Frankfort, Ill. Friday has resulted in scores of deaths. Final totals are not yet known. Four U.S. fliers held in Hungary for violating the border were fined $40,000 each as part of a spy plot. Molly came over as Sam and Lilly Altschuler were to visit us. I couldn't see them as I had to work. Sam was gorgeous, Lil said later.

Dec 25 The second report of the Mayor's Comm. on Unity whitewashing Billigsley and his Stork Club on the Jo Baker incident was released by Mayor Impelliteri. The first report, critical was withheld by the Mayor. Libya was formally proclaimed independent under the U.N. The toll of the mine disaster was set at 119 with one miner miraculously saved.

Dec 26 Lil and the kids went over to Lil's for lunch. Gifts were exchanged. 

Dec 27 Lil and the kids went over to Shirley today. Seth scurried around ceaselessly. The 30 day truce deadline arrived with no agreement reached. An NAACP Negro was killed in his home in Florida by a planted bomb. George Kennan, author of the Russia containment policy was named Ambassador to Russia.

Dec 28 Lil took Eugene to Dr Holzman to see about the rash ... It is due to an allergy. The doctor prescribed an ointment and also advised elimination of certain foods to discover the cause. Also some pills. Gus Hall was fined given three years for jumping his bail. Murray called off the projected steel strike by request of Truman. Rewards were offered by Gov. Warren and others for information on the Florida bombings resulting in one murder. Judge Kaufman held the contract between the bankrupt 3rd Ave line and the TWU void.

Dec 29 The Rabbi at the temple called up Eugene to say the prayer at the lighting of the candles at the services Friday night. Lil and Sylvia also went. Sylvia wouldn't go on stage to say "Kiddush". She has develped an inflamed pupil of the eye which Lil is treating with argyrol and yellow Mercury of oxide. Nine "cops" were dismissed in the graft cases. Hungary freed the four U.S. flyers for the $12,000 "ransom". We have closed Hungary consulates here and banned travel there. Tallulah Bankhead's maid was found guilty of raising her employer's checks.      

Monday, August 7, 2017


Dec 16 Sunday Ten thousand Tudeh members in Iran demonstrated without molestation by the police. In Cicero indictments were altered to free Harvey Clark's supporters and accuse the riot inciters. Walter Wanger shot his wife Joan Bennett's agent Jennings Lang charging he was breaking up their home. Wanger has suffered severe financial setbacks. Evelyn brought Isabel here again as she visited her mother in the hospital.

Dec 17 All 52 passengers and 4 crew men were killed when a Florida bound plane crashed in Elizabeth. Dorothy Dix is dead at 90.

Dec 18 1 hour O.T. Pakistan joined Egypt in asking for a ban on the A Bomb. Eugene and schoolmate Jerry Bank decided to come up here in the rain and came in soaked to the skin. At night he complained of a "pain in his neck". He stayed home from school. 

Dec 19 4 hrs. O.T. Eugene stayed home from school today although he felt better. He got an argyrol pack. Americans and Communists issued lists of prisoners of war they held. Gen. Dean, missing 1 1/2 years was on the "red" list.

Dec 20 4 hrs. O.T. Eugene got a giant sled ($7.) and the kids went sleighing in St James by themselves with two sleds. Sylvia got a Speidel watchband for her new wrist watch. An economic survey of the city by two Columbia profs asked for an end to free lunches for underpaid hospital workers, an elected Board of Ed., higher fares and taxes. Last week's typhoon in the Philippines killed 600 persons.

Dec 21 4 hrs. O.T. Eugene played here again with Jerry Bank after school. They played games then read comics as Richard M. had just exchanged thirty comics with Eugene and Sylvia. 6000 firemen demonstrating at City Hall for wage increases were given the brush off by Mayor Impelliteri. Greece defeated Byelo Russia for the vacant Security Council seat after a three week fight between the West and the East.

Dec 22 10 hrs. All O.T. Eugene who had overeaten on pretzels at the school Christmas party was doubled up for a half hour with an addominal cramp. With his temperature under 100, he maaged to waddle into bed ... His pain passed away after he had lain on his stomach a while. Eugene also had a party at the Synagogue Thursday night and had eaten french fried at the "Towers" with Lil and Sylvia last night. The kids got a lot of games for the Holidays from us & pop and mom. Eugene got his telescope, a Bradley 14 game combination and a Gilbert puzzle set. Sylvia got a "Finance" game, Cinderella game. Eugene made a tie clasp for me in shop. Sylvia gave us a nice card she made with a calendar and original poem on it. Josephine Baker sued Walter Winchell for $400,000 for defamation of character arising from the Stork Club incident. The UN rejected Russia's charges of that the US was undermining it through underground activities.

Friday, August 4, 2017


Dec 9 Sunday Evelyn left Isabel here on the way to visit her mother at Montefiore. The kids frollicked [sic], playing hide and seek, chase around the table then all played the piano.

Dec 10. Eugene's Boy Scouts had their patrol meeting here and made up a cheer and song. Eugene and a schoolmate Jerry Bank went to the library. Eugene drew "The Boy's Book of the West" Amy Hogeboom, "Farm Boy" Doug Gorsline, "Iron Duke" JR Tunis, and "Lightning on Ice" Phil Harkins.
John Stewart Service State Dep't aide and target of the China lobby was fired on the grounds of "reasonable doubt" of his loyalty.

Dad did start a new paragraph as shown. 

Dec 11 For the second time Sylvia's teacher finding that another child had the same topic as Sylvia, changed Sylvia's topic. This made her feel very badly and she bust into tears at home. The "Big Four" agreed on an Arms Board for disarmament purposes. The extraordinary record breaking weather of the past weeks took a slight upturn in temperature. Lou Lippman, basketball "shaver" got a suspended sentence. Eddy Stanky was traded to the "Cards" to play and manage them. The Giants got Lanier and Diering.

Dec 12 Att'y Gen'l McGrath was grilled on the tax scandal. He defended Caudle. A Union Square rally for peace drew 11000. Joe DiMaggio announced his returement. 

Dec 13 Federal Judge Mathes ruled the indictment of the 15 lesser "reds" invalid. It must be redrawn. 

Dec 14 The ban on the 3rd Ave bus strike was revoked by the U.S. Court of Appeals. U.S.'s candidate Greece failed for the second time to win a Security Council seat against Byelo-Russia. Fritz Kuhn is dead at 65. 

Dec 15 8 hours overtime. Ex Sen Capper is dead at 96.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Dec 2. Sunday Eugene belongs to the Children's Book Guild at school and also borrows books from the school library. More C.C.N.Y. basketball players are out as the grades of Smith, Bragin and Chenetz were found to have been altered.

Dec 3. Korean "reds" agreed to inspection behind the lines by neutral countries and a freeze on men and arms in a further step to an armistice.

Dec 4. Last night Sam slept here having forgotten his keys while Molly went to spend the night at Lena's. Sylvia is home with a virus in her neck glands. She had been complaining of pain there for a week. Yesterday Lillian taking Eugene to Dr Morson for his last needle (after his scalp gash) took Sylvia along. She had 101 temp but it is down now. Egyptian riots against the British in Suez resulted in many killed and wounded. Terror against Negroes and Jews in Miami continued. Scores of Internal Revenue collectors have been dismissed for corruption. 

Dec 5. I bought Lillian a perfume syringe and she got me a wallet. The F.B.I. investigated me in the house and Sam Goode tuned our piano. Russia OK'd A-plant inspections when the UN outlawed the A bomb. More were killed in the Suez. 5000 bus strikers agreed to a no-stirke policy before television cameras. 

Dec 5 was Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary. The F.B.I. investigation was presumably due to Dad's Federal employment (by the Post Office). 

Dec 6. Casualties continued to mount in Suez riots. Tito freed Archbishop Stepinac but barred him from his post. Chief counsel of the Internal Revenue Bureau C. Oliphant resigned rather than be the target of "vilificationa and rumors". 

Dec 7. Eugene got his first failure on his report card - in science. His other marks were good. Lillian saw his teacher Mr Brandon who couldn't account for it. Sylvia got a fine report card including an "outstanding" for composition. Several boys have been "after" Eugene in school so Lillian called them on the phone as he didn't seem opposed to it. The incident doesn't seem to be serious. Lillian took Sylvia to the school bazaar in the evening to 9:15 PM. They bought a dress for Lillian $1.46, a bracelet for Sylvia 5¢, loose leaf re-inforcements, cookies, 4 yards of plastic, pads, cake, 5 comics for 10¢, key chain for Eugene. Sup't of Schools Jansen was given the sole power to oust present or former communists. 3000 leftist students in Iran were mobbed by 5000 troops and 1000 Nationalists. Several were killed, hundreds were injured. The mob then went on to pillage and destroy Communist and Anti-gov't newspaper offices. Joe Jackson is dead at 64, Harold Ross at 59 and J Edward Bromberg at 47. 

Dec 8. Non-political, co-discoverer of penicillin Dr Chain was barred from this country. The spotlight of the tax scandal is turning on Supreme Court Justice Clark and Att'y Gen'l McGrath. Ass't Att'y Gen'l Caudle has already been dismissed by Truman and several have resigned. Judge Streit suspended sentences on three Bradley basketball players, Melchiorre, Mann and Chianakis who had "fixed" games, but lashed Bradley U for corrupting its players.