Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Feb 11 Sunday We got ready for the painter's today. I played Sylvia a game of checkers which she won.

Feb 12 Lincoln's Birthday The painter came today and did the kitchen and bathroom the first day. I took the kids to Fordham in the morning and got slacks for myself at Alexander's $7. The kids got some knick-knacks in Kress's. In the afternoon I took them to the schoolyard where we played ball. North Koreans drove Allied patrols out of Seoul.

Feb 13 Communists counter-attacks cut an 18 mile wedge into the U.N. lines The U.S. is consulting its allies on the question of crossing the 38th parallel again. Price ceilings were lifted on sugar, eggs, milk wheat etc. The painter did our bedroom. 

Feb 14 A furious battle raged in Central Korea on a 20-mile front. MacArthur admitted the UN troops could not cross the 38th parallel now. The state Senate avoided a showdown on the McGoldrick rent plan as 2000 tenants invaded Albany to fight it. Majority leader Wicks adjourned the session before the rent issue could be taken up. The Senate Crime Investigating Comm. opened hearings on N.Y. rackets. Gambler Frank Costello was the first witness to be quizzed. The painter did the children's room.

Feb 15 Communist troops tried for a breakthrough in the center. SoKorean commandos made a raid on Wonsan. The State Senate voted 32-24 to put through the 15% annual rent increase. The UN fired three Committee members of the Employers Association. Two more racketeers were questioned in the crime investigation. Senators OKd the 18 year old draft and 26 month service. Welterweight champ Ray Robinson won Jake LaMotta's middleweight title by a T.K.O. in the 13th round. It was a torrid fight with Jake taking a bad beating. The painter finished our ap't.

Feb 16 Allied tanks broke a Chinese trap and rescued US-French troops. We continue to claim thousands of Chinese killed and wounded every day. Marshall stated that 100,000 more soldiers are going to Europe. Labor withdrew from the Wage Stabilization Board after turning down a 10% ceiling on future raises. Food prices continued to rise to new record highs. A fact finding Committee after a 4 month study recommended $350 to $1025 increases for teachers. It also asked the end of the boycott of extra-curricular activities by teachers. The three day crime hearing ended with contradictory testimony between Frank Costello and Water Supply Commissioner JJ Moran.

 Feb 17 The kids wrestled on the floor while Sylvia told him Eugene how to act when he grew up and had a girl friend. Stalin announced that War was not inevitable. He accused the U.S. however of leading the UN towards war and disintegration. He also said Russian troops were demobilized. The City Council voted unanimously to outlaw Jim Crow in Stuyvesant Town and other public housing projects when it approved the Brown Isaacs bill. The Board of Regents banned a motion picture for the first time in its history when it disapproved "The Miracle". A grand jury whitewashed the murder of Negro John Derrick by two white policemen. Played Eugene two chess games.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Feb 4 Sunday We went over to Sam and Molly's for a visit where we had blintzes and cream. Then we all taxied here where we saw television.

Feb 5 Bloody fighting raged eight miles South of Seoul. Seoul itself is almost deserted. The last of the "Martinsville Seven" went to their death in spite of demonstrations and pleas in many cities. Ford prices are rising in spite of "price control". Sylvia's report card showed all S's and excellent in 'reading'.

Feb 6 The Second trial of the 'Trenton Six' started. The first had been quashed after national protests. The G.O.P. majority won the first test in the Assembly on the rent board. Margaret Schlauch left N.Y.U. to teach in Poland. The biggest UN tank thrusts sloshed into 'Red' lines.

Feb 7 Home from work. Chinese Communists fell back to the Seoul line. 84 were killed and 400 injured in another railroad wreck. A Penn. train was derailed on a temporary overpass and plunged 20 feet to the street below at Woodbridge N.J. At the 'Trenton Six' trial the key issue was confession by police coercion. The railroad strike outlook was better as some 'sick' trainmen returned to work and some demands were eased. The Nevada Atom bomb trial blasts ended with a fifth and biggest blast. Repercussions were felt hundreds of miles away. Joe Louis defeated Omelio Agramonte in ten rounds.

Feb 8 Sylvia's class wrote compositions about their home. Sylvia wrote that she liked her piano best and wanted to be a pianist. The next best thing she liked in her home was the television set. She drew a picture of the room with herself playing the piano and music coming out of the back. Also the television set and 'N.B.C.' on. Her picture and composition won praise from the teacher and ass't principal. The picture was hung up and she was asked to read the compo. aloud. At the 'Trenton Six' trial, testimony showed the defendants not at the scene of the murder. Remington was found guilty of perjury on the first ballot.

Feb 9 The D.A. accused the Penn. R.R. of "a complete and indifferent disregard for human life" A trap was tightened on the Chinese at Seoul. The Army ordered striking rail workers to return within 48 hours or be fired. This was on Truman's orders. The latter charged the union leaders of acting like Russians. The Board of Education ousted the 8 accused teachers on Trial Examiner Kiendl's recommendation. Their only crime was refusing to answer whether they were Communists. Remington got 8 years in jail and a $5000 fine. Thyssen is dead at 77. Read "The Diplomat" Richard [sic] Aldridge.

"The Diplomat" was written by James Aldridge. Don't know who he was thinking of. 

Feb 10 Sylvia went to Carnegie Hall with Pamela's piano teacher and several more of her pupils. They heard the Nat'l Orch. Assoc'n with Leon Barzin conducting in a 'Music and Dance' program. Sylvia said she liked it but didn't want to go any more. A Senate Subcommittee approved a limited 18 yr. old draft and 24 months service. The communist line near Seoul caved in or withdrew. The Peace Information Center, formed here to support the Stockholm Peace Pledge was indicted as a foreign agent although it disbanded several months ago. Ed Duchin is dead at 41. Eugene finally won a chess game from me. Eugene went to a Boy Scout meeting at the school Thursday and came home at 10:30PM. Lost a chess game to Eugene

Friday, August 19, 2016


Jan 28 Sunday  Lil ... has a cold now. We went to Mom's for dinner. Lil Harry and the kids also there. Lil gave Eugene some undershirts and Lone Ranger books for his birthday. We gave them a serving tray in appreciation for Harry's work on the lamps. Peggy stole the show. She sang danced and acted, making up her own words and making motions with her hands. Sylvia and Susan also recited. I played Eugene and Pop simultaneous chess games, quitting with advantages over both.

I never forgot that my Aunt Lil gave me Lone Ranger books (not just the typical clothing) for my birthday, and from then on considered her my favorite aunt. 

Jan 29 Sylvia played "The Bells" in the auditorium today. Chinese counter attacks slowed up the UN's 5-day offensive. Von Mannerheim is dead at 83.

Jan 30 Syl played "Echoes of the Canyon" rather than "The Bells". Mrs Mottelson [sic] said it was just beautiful. She was the only one who had volunteered to play of the three classes. Our fleet shelled Korea's East coast. On the ground we continued on the offensive. Russia warned that the U.S. resolution branding China an aggressor would mean war.

It was Motelson, not Mottelson; Dad got it correct a couple of times earlier.

Jan 31 French premier Rene Plevin, here to talk with Truman announced unity exists between America and France. Communists attacked in Korea. Two out of four assaults were hurled back. The UN branded China an aggressor 44-7 with 8 abstentions. India voted 'No'. Pocket book reprints of Howard Fast's novels will be junked. George Powers, ex Red, testified against the I.W.O. at its dissolution trial.

Feb 1 U.S. officials saved 21 convicted Nazis from the gallows. Krupp and eight of his aides were also freed. Allied attacks were unopposed on the eighth day of their offensive. The gov't is seeking to outlaw the fast spreading rail strike.

Feb 2 While we are showing clemency to the Nazis the "Martinsville Seven" will die. Picketing and demonstrations and pleas have been of no avail in saving the seven framed up Negroes on a rape charge. England warned against sanctions for China at the U.N. The R.R. strike has caused a mail embargo, much hardship for consumers and travellers [sic]. Viet Minh suicide patrols fired on a U.S. carrier delivering supplies to the French 

Feb 3 Sylvia drew "Holiday Roundup" [sic] - Pannell & Cavenah, "Danny's Country Store" - H.F. Orton, "Homer the Tortoise"  M J Baker and "David's Railroad" by C. Wooley [sic]. Eugene drew "The Cincinnati Reds" Lee Allen, "Cowboys Cowboys Cowboys", PR Fenner, "Mr Benedicts Lion" - W.D. Edmonds and "Emeralds for the King" C. Savery. Radioactive snow apparently the result of the recent atomic blasts in Nevada, fell on Schenectady.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Jan 21 Eugene's Birthday Sunday Eugene got a briefcase and shirts from Mom and Pop, key chain from me, bathrobe from Lil, pencil case from Sylvia, pajamas from Madeline. We went out to the Chinese restaurant on the corner for dinner but the kids eat little of the chow mein. At home I played Eugene some chess then Lil & Sil beat me and Gene at "Pisha Paysha". Lil read "The Show Must Go On" Elmer Rice.

I thought this was the first reference to me by my usual nickname but a search determined that I thought that for the entry on 9/10/49, and even earlier on 5/7/45.

Jan 22 Wonju was retaken and relost by our forces. Russia again warned on German re-armament. The Arab-Asian bloc pushed plans for another peace appeal to China. This would call for a political conference simultaneously with a "cease fire". Avalanches buried Alpine villages causing 108 deaths. 

Jan 23 Lillian is typing Eugene's composition on Uruguay to his dictation. Communist troops infiltrated UN lines and cut up a South Korean battalion. China split the West by agreeing to a cease-fire before opening negotiations. The Assembly voted 27-23 to continue negotiations as against our demand for branding Peking an aggressor. 120,000 city employees got a $250 cost of living bonus. Remington on the stand testified he was never a Communist or fellow traveller [sic].

Jan 24 ... The Senate 91-0 demanded the UN brand China an aggressor and refuse to seat her. Attlee backed the Arab-Asia bloc and asked the U.S. to go slow. History's greatest jet battle was fought in Korea with several 'red' MIG's being destroyed. We both read Rocky Mt. Country - A N Williams.

Jan 25 Nehru criticized U.S. policy on Asia, calling for a world parley. The U.N. peace bloc also called for an immediate parley with China. The lull on the Korean front continued with large scale withdrawal of Chinese troops suspected.

Jan 26 Truman named eight members of an Internal Security Comm. to serve under Admiral Nimitz. Draft standards are being cut to take many 4F's and hold off on the 18 year olds. The U.N. fleet bombarded Inchon. District Attorney Hogan's investigations spread from the Police and Fire to the Sanitation Dept.

Jan 27 Eugene's Hebrew School teacher sent us a note saying Eugene is a very good student and always helpful. We played word games tonight with Sylvia very enthusiastic and proud of her creditable showing. France called on Europe to form a single Army. In Korea, Allied troops advanced without finding opposition as the Chinese third halt in offensive continued. Mao is willing to participate in the 7 power Asian conference presented to the UN in a resolution. The Gov't announced a price and wage freeze at their highest level. Adjustments will be made. Ott and Foxx became the 59th and 60th players to hit the Hall of Fame. The 58th had been Gehringer in 1949.   

Monday, August 8, 2016


Jan 14 We had a little scene with Sylvia about a missing quarter. She had had to give Lillian 69¢ for the ruined powder and had apparently taken the quarter to make up for it. She will admit nothing however. Money is taking on too great an importance to her. Lillian went along with her and the Sunday School class to the Jewish Museum. I waited for Eugene to get home from his class and we went down to Allen St. We all met at Mike & Evelyn for dinner (Eugene and I met Lil & Sil on the 'F' train at 4th st. by accident. Lil took Eugene and I went to Allen st). Molly and Sam never came as Molly was not well. Mike was working and came at 6:30 PM. We had a nice dinner and a nice time. Everyone played the piano. Eugene and Isabel played "Mystery games" which Sylvia does not like. Later Isabel and Sylvia played and annoyed Eugene who was reading.

Dad neglected to include his usual note that this was Sunday

Jan 15 30,000 North Koreans threatened to cut off the U.S.2nd Division in East Central Korea.

Jan 16 American troops took the offensive and gained 12 miles and 3 towns. The Supreme Court refused to hear review the case of Willie McGee convicted for rape.

Jan 17 Allies jabbed into Suwon harassing the 'Reds' then pulled out. Tenant and Real Estate lobbies are in Albany on the projected 15% rent increase. Police raids continued to arrest peddlers of dope to school children. Ilse Koch was sentenced to life imprisonment for the second time after a hectic trial.

Jan 18 China turned down the UN's proposal for a settlement of the Korean affair. It set its own conditions which were 1 withdrawal of foreign troops preceding a cease fire 2 U.S. withdrawal from Formosa 3. UN seat for China 4. A 7 nation parley in China. Nehru warned the UN not to brand China an aggressor. Italians struck as Eisenhower visited Italy. Poppe & Byrnes, co-captains of last year's Manhattan basketball team and three gamblers were arrested on charges of bribe and conspiracy. They were charged with throwing games last year and attempting to bribe Junius Kellog [sic], star of this year's team. More detectives quit to avoid the graft inquiry.

Jan 19 A three day lull is ending on the Korean front. Italian Anti-Eisenhower demonstrations have caused 100 injuries and 2 deaths. Austin formally asked the UN to brand China an aggressor. Remington's father and a former Communist Horace Bryan testified for Remington. N.J.C.P. headquarters in Newark were raided with three arrested and literature seized.

Jan 20 Mom and Pop came over after the theater and had supper with us. Pop lost chess games to Eugene and me. Afterwards he told us stories of the old days. Tank led UN forces stabbed into Communist lines. The UN stalled the United States' drive to brand China the aggressor. The Arab Asian bloc working with the British Commonwealth still looked for a peaceful settlement. Economic Stabilization Chief Valentine was fired and Eric Johnston named to succeed him heralding a price-wage freeze. Dartmouth classmates testified in Remington's defense. Lil read "The Professor's Umbrella" Mary Jane Ward.   

I wish I remembered Grandpa's "stories of the old days".