Sunday, July 31, 2016


Jan 7 Sunday We visited Al & Edith in the rain. Danny is beginning to play chess. He played war, casino and checkers with Sylvia. Al beat Eugene at chess but I beat him one. Communists captured Hongchon and Wonju on the road to Pusan. Taft asked for our withdrawal from Korea.

Jan 8 UN forces held in the streets of Wonju in a delaying action. French continued to gain in their counter offensive against the Viet Minh. The U.S. continued to have difficulty in branding China an aggressor in the UN. The Catholic Church entered the fight to suppress "The Miracle" with a daily picket line at the Paris Theatre.

Jan 9 American troops sped up their retreat, giving up Osan and Wonju. Truman delivered his "State of the Nation" speech. He put forth a 10 point program 1. Appropriation for military expansion 2. Extension of the draft 3. Aid to the "Free World" 4. Expand production and stabilize prices rent and wages 5. Aid to agriculture 6. Improve labor laws for better production 7. House and train defense workers 8. Increase supply of medical personnel. 9. Aid to schools 10. Increase taxes. 

Jan 10 Communists were pushed back three miles by UN counter attacks. Ex Hitler generals conferred with the Allies on German re-armament. Censorship was instituted on news from Korea here. The word "retreat" was banned. Criticism of UN actions was also proscribed. Nehru insisted that the UN consider China's grievances. Max Werner is dead at 49.

Jan 11 Eugene is forgetting everything but his head these days but he remembered something in arithmetic that the whole class forgot, he said. Americans lost Wonju after regaining it. The British Commonwealth conference supported Nehru's plan for Red China's acceptance in the UN. Defense Sec'y Marshall asked a permanent U.M.T. and draft of 18 year old and extension of service period from 21 to 27 mos. Sinclair Lewis is dead in Rome at 65. 

Jan 12 Communists sped South to slash the rail line to Pusan. Millions of Koreans are on the march with their children fleeing in cold and starvation to they know not where. They are not only fleeing the Communists but the certain bombardment by U.S. planes of all the cities they evacuate. The U.S. in a surprise move agreed to a peace conference with Russia and China. Other conditions are a cease fire, withdrawing of foreign troops and discussion of Formosa and a UN seat for Red China. A former schoolmate of Remingtons and the notorious Elizabeth Bentley testified that Remington had been a Communist. 

Jan 13 Sylvia had been warned many times to not to touch Lillian's things but she looked into a box of powder on the shelf in the bathroom and half of it spilled. She got quite a scolding and had to pay for a new box (69¢) which she protested against very strongly. In tears she argued that not all of it had spilled. Bobby came up to play with Eugene and they asked permission to participate in their favorite pastime - wrestling. British Commonwealth Prime Ministers in conference asked peace talks now and re-armament of Germany and Japan. Truman asked for a great tax increase and a greater Army. Ilse Koch who has gone the gamut of histrionics in her trial for Concentration camp atrocities was carried out as the trial ended. Communist troops launched a big attack on the UN line threatening to spring a trap on the Allied troops. American planes continued to blast thousands of Koreans to bits daily. Heavyweight Champ Ezzard Charles T.KO'd Lee Oma in ten rounds. Oma was not down but out on his feet. 

Friday, July 22, 2016


12/31 Sunday We spent New Years' Eve at home with the kids. They stayed up till Midnight and we had a good time. We had high balls. The children had a drop of rye in their ginger ale. At ten we had hot dogs, baked beans and potato salad. Sylvia did not eat the hot dogs as usual. We saw "And So They Were Married" with Simone Simon to finish the evening. The kids, especially Eugene, enjoyed it very much.

Jan 1 1951 Mike dropped over this morning and had dinner with us. He and Evelyn had gone to a party at Julia's last night. Today they had to go to Lillian's for dinner so Evelyn couldn't come over here. After dinner Mom and Pop came over and took us for a ride then we stopped at Mom's and had supper. Eugene and I then beat Pop at chess. The big 'Red' offensive started in Korea. MacArthur broached Japanese re-armament for the first time.

Jan 2 Went to Dr. Holzman who found my condition excellent in every respect. My fissure had healed up but I have several piles. He told me to use Metamucil and take Sitz baths. Communists drove one third of the way to Seoul. Russia accepted U.S. British & French proposals for a 'Big Four' conference. The 'House' passed a $20,000,000000 defense bill and an excess profits tax bill. President Karl Renner of Austria is dead at 80. 

Jan 3 Dr. Robbins found no cavities. I had to pay $9. for xray and cleaning. Eugene came home disconsolate as principal Mr Klein had picked him out in the hall for talking although other children were also talking. He got five demerits. The kids have been playing Skudo which had been bought for the Heinemann children. Communist troops continued to advance on Seoul. 23 UN powers conferred secretly on Korea in Manhattan. 

Don't remember the game, and the name sounds strange, but I did find it online. 

Jan 4 Sylvia's eyes became inflamed and although they were much better this morning after being treated with boric acid, she stayed home and played with the chess pieces. A U.S. move to get tough with the Chinese in the U.N. was blocked by the 12 nation Asian-Arab coalition. UN troops evacuated Seoul and left it in flames. The House by a 244-179 vote restored the power of the Rules Comm. to bottle up Fair "Deal" [sic] legislation. More witnesses testified Remington had been a C.P. member. Joe Louis K.O.'d Freddie Beshore in the 4th round but the consensus is that the former champ should still stay retired.  

Jan 5 Sylvia returned to school. The Allies burned and quit Inchon. Many were evacuated by sea. Truman declared we are not at war with China and will not bomb her. Dr.Walter Rautenstrauch is dead at 70. Lillian read "Will Rogers Autobiography" & "Children of God" Vardis Fisher. 

Jan 6 Sunday [sic - it's only Saturday] Eugene drew "McGraw of the Giants" Graham "Adventures in the African Jungle" - Akeley, "The Brooklyn Dodgers" - Graham and "Lad: A Dog" - Terhune. Sylvia drew "Relief's Rocker" - Alice Dalgliesh "Pottery of the American Indians" HE Stiles "Easter Surprise" - H.K. Rathbun & "Jolly Number Tales II" Buswell, Brownell & John. Lillian got Eugene some shirts and one for Danny Pope whom we visit tomorrow. Also some house dresses and an apron. She got some lamp shades ($15.) to complete the candlestick lamps for which Harry had gotten us the bases. I bought black shoes at Tom McCann's [sic] $8. Then we went to the "Grand" because our picture tube is being replaced. We saw "The Miniver Story" with Greer Garson & Walter Pidgeon and "Right Cross" with June Allyson, Dick Powell and Ricardo Montalban. Communist troops raced to cut off the Allies below Seoul. Taft charged we were sucked into the Korean war by Truman who had usurped authority. Telephone coin box rates became 10¢.
The scanned-in page (apparently an essay by Sylvia) was taped in on the page that covers Jan 1-3, but not referenced in the text.  

Monday, July 18, 2016


12/24 Sunday Lil felt a little better and we went to Lil and Harry's for dinner. Everyone got gifts. Syl got play silverware and Eugene an electric quiz game. When Syl and Susan annoyed Eugene while he was watching television he pushed them down finally pushing Susan into a table on which she banged her head. Mom Pop Taubie Harry & seven month old Peggy Ann, Phil Mike & Sammy also came.

12/25 Christmas Eugene cut out and assembled a Christmas tree from Life's children's section. Sylvia has been making napkin holders. Hungnam's evacuation has been completed.

12/26 We laid the rug today. Eugene played at Bobby's Sylvia went to Betty Ann's with Norma to see the Christmas tree and play there. The UN troops evacuated from Hungnam set up a new defense line in the South. (Scottish Coronation stone stolen from Westminster Abbey.)

The parenthetical note was actually inserted at the bottom of the page, in the middle of this entry, presumably after it was completed. 

12/27 Eugene was put to bed with a mild laryngitis and a slight fever. Sylvia went sleigh riding with Norma. Jerry is slightly better in the hospital after his third operation. Normal life ceased in Seoul as the Chinese advanced. A battled [sic] started 28 miles from the capitol. At the perjury trial of William Remington, his divorced wife testified that he was a Communist in 1938.

12/28 Lillian's chest became very heavy yesterday. She relieved it with a Vicks rubdown. Eugene remained in bed. MacArthur claimed 1,350,000 Chinese are girding for a major offensive. Stanton Griffis was named Ambassador to Spain after a five year rift. License Commissioner McCaffrey's arbitrary ban on "The Miracle" was denounced by the New York Film Critics and many other sources. All maritime workers became subject to a security clearance system. Remington's ex wife testified he gave Russia a top secret formula for making explosives from garbage. "All About Eve" won the N.Y. Film Critics 1950 Award. Gregory Peck & Betty Davis won the Acting Awards. 

12/29 Went to Dr. Robbins on a miserable day. He cleaned my teeth and xrayed them. Lillian feels better. Eugene is better but still in bed. Sylvia has entered the 'fancy tie' [?] contest in Playmate Magazine and is tracing a picture from the magazine. Eugene is very anxious to trace it also and is protesting at her lengthy work. Attacks North of Seoul pushed the UN Army back ten miles. The gov't took control of rubber, banned the hoarding of 55 essential materials and curbed loans. The Army called several hundred thousand doctors and dentists.

12/30 Everyone was better today and Lil took the kids out to Fordham on a sunny day. Eugene got shoes at Tom McCann's [sic] $5.50. Both kids got bedroom slippers at Miles $3 & $2. McCaffrey lifted his ban on "The Miracle" after threat of a court order. The City granted bus fare rises to private lines making the fare 10¢ all over. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Just noticed that Dad changed his dating of entries back to numeric on 12/9, but I'm NOT going to go back and edit those posts. 
12/17 Sunday American forces withdrew into their dissolving beachhead abandoning Hungnam to the Chinese. China rejected the UN Ceasefire agreement. It demanded withdrawal of all foreign troops. Washington froze the price of new cars at the Dec.1 level. This will roll back prices on Ford and G.M. cars just increased 5%. Lil took the kids to the Jewish Labor Council bazaar where Eugene got a pen and pencil set and wallet with slots for silver, Sylvia a game book and ski pants. They agreed to pay for part of their purchases. Lil also got a "Doctor's" kit for one of Sadie's kids. 8 hrs. O.T.

12/18 Eugene stayed home with a stuffed nose. Lil got gloves for the kids and socks for Eugene at Alexanders and two toys for Syracuse at Shipman's. U.S. Naval guns protected our troops on the beachhead at Hungnam. The UN's Cease-fire Comm. sent a cable to Peking asking continuation of talks. Russia again warned the West not to arm Germany. 2 hrs O.T.

12/19 Eugene still home but better. He lassoed, set up a farmyard cut out of Sylvia's new game book, etc. American troops held their beach head as our fleet rained steel on the besieging 'Reds'. Chinese 'Red" delegates left for home as the UN postponed discussion of their charges of aggression. Ministers of the 12 Atlantic Pact Nations approved a West European Army of 50 divisions including Germans. Eisenhower will command. Pravda called the project suicide. 4 Hrs. O.T.

12/20 Eugene returned to school. Lil picked up the blouses she and Molly ordered from Bottari. They were $10. North and South Korean forces battled south of the 38th parallel. Washington called for a voluntary freeze on prices? 4 hrs. O.T.

12/21 Now Sylvia has the sniffles. She consented to wear her slacks so she could go to school. When Stephen after telling her to pick him when it was her turn in a school game, chose Carol S. when it was his turn, she chose Barry H. in retaliation. North Korean troops were forced back from the beachhead easing the situation. Devastating firepower from UN planes, warships and artillery held the fort. Hoover called on America to retreat to our own borders and arm to the teeth. He advocated pulling out of Korea, all Asia and Europe. Paul Robeson received his "Peace Award" from Rev Ed McGowan at an A.L.P. rally after interference by vets with the original hall rented and threats of violence. 4 hrs O.T.

12/22 Lil got Eugene a coat at Alexanders $9. G.M. yielded to the gov't request and agreed to sell its cars at 1950 prices. Communists built up their strength in Korea for a strong assault as American forces continued to hold their beachhead. Left-wing lawyers Sacher and Isserman pleaded excessive heat and tension because of the importance of the trial of the '11' had caused them to overstep the bonds [sic] of proprietry [sic] in their disbarment hearing. Sonny Boy West died after his knockout by Percy Bassett.

12/23 Lil has a cold now and had to call off her trip to Syracuse. Peking turned down proposals for a cease fire again. It insisted on evacuation of all foreign troops, U.S. withdrawal from Formosa a seat in the U.N. The U.S. froze auto workers wages paralleling the auto price freeze. Walter Damrosch is dead at 88.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Dec 10 Sunday In the morning Lil went next door to the Beth Israel hall where the kids participated in a Chanakah play. I had to go downtown for ties. In the afternoon we were both at the same place where the Cub Pack meeting took place. Eugene's Den 13 was graduated with appropriate ceremonies. There was a song festival and each den gave a song. The usual ice cream was served. At home Eugene could not eat the white of his egg and began to cry. Later he beat me in a a chess game. Lillian read Irwin Thaw's "The Young Lions", "Double Muscadine: by Frances Gaither, and "River to the West" John Jennings.

Dec 11 Marines broke out of a 'Red' trap on the 13th day of a horrible nightmare of fighting with great losses. Chinese treatment of U.S. prisoners has been lenient as opposed to North Korean treatment.

Dec 12 13 Asian and Arab nations asked the UN for a cease fire in Korea. Anti-European riots swept Singapore after a court ordered a Muslim girl returned to her Dutch mother. The Supreme Court by 8-0 held that a witness grilled about C.P. connections may refuse to answer. Miguel Najdorf won the International Master's tourney in Amsterdam. Reshevsky was second. Dr Euwe finished sixth.

Dec 13 Sea evacuation of battered UN forces began from Korea. The US backs the cease fire resolution but not negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the issue. Trial examiner Kiendl recommended the dismissal of the eight teachers who refused to answer whether they were Communists. 

Dec 14 The Hamhung beachhead was under attack as GI's evacuated the area. Russia voted "no" to the 13 power resolution for a cease-fire. Malek called it a manoeuver for the Americans to regroup and strengthen their forces and return to the attack. He announced China would retire if the UN forces did. Marshall was called the real target of the current "red" smear of Anna Rosenberg appointed Ass't Sec'y of Defense. Eugene went to the Boy Scout meeting at the center next door but will have to wait until he is eleven before he is officially accepted.

Dec 15 G.E. President Charles E. Wilson was named U.S. Economic Mobilization chief. Gov. Dewey called for a 13 million man army and registration of every American over 17 for national service. Met. Life started a suit to evict 33 of its tenants who have fought discrimination in Stuyvesant Town. Mrs. Rosenberg was unanimously approved by a Senate Comm. for her defense job despite the 'Red' smear participated in by leading Anti-Semites. The railroad tie-up caused the P.O. to put an embargo on mail going to many states.

Dec 16 Eugene drew "The Detroit Tigers" - Fred Lieb, "Patriot in the Saddle" - JC Nolan "The Boy Scouts of Birch-Bark Island" R. S. Holland, and "Lou Gehrig" Frank Graham. Sylvia drew "Indians of the Wigwams" - T.O. & E.W Deming, "Bluebonnets for Lucinda" - F.C. Sayers, "High Courage" C.W. Anderson and "Christopher and his Turtle" - E.F. Lattimore. Chinese Communists smashed against the UN beachhead. East Germany decreed the death penalty for war mongering. Truman in a radio talk to the nation said the U.S. is in grave danger. He will proclaim a state of emergency. There will be partial price control, wage stabilization, increase of the army to 3,000,000, higher taxes.