Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Sept 10 Sunday Eugene and Jerome E. went to the Museum of Natural History yesterday. There was no phone handy so they didn't call home when they got there. They ate their sandwiches immediately then entered their space ship (elevator) and visited the went back in time (prehistoric mammals - dinosaurs). They also saw insect and fish life.

Sept 11 The kids started the fall school term today. Eugene is in Class 6-1 room 4-16. Teacher's name - Miss Rodemann. Sylvia is in class 3-5 room 409 Teacher's Name Mrs Motelson. She came home at noon and sprung a surprise. She was elected president. The boys' president is Robert Wexler. Don Newcombe essayed an iron man role a week ago but was taken out in the senenth inning of the second game after pitching a 3 hit shutout in the first. NoKoreans began probing the Taegu lines. 100,000 Allied troops began maneuvers in Germany against 'Eastern invaders'. Clashes between police and Commusists marked ceremonies honoring victoims of Nazi concentration camps held in three Western German cities. Ed Dmytryk, one of the jailed 'Hollywood Ten' issued a statement from jail affirming his opposition to Communism. The war with Korea caused him to affirm his allegiance to his country, he said. The Nat'l Lawyers Guild supported the U.S. intervention in Korea while criticizing our foregn policy which is "driving us to war".

Sept 12 Over to Sam & Molly's for Rosh Hashonah. Shirley, Milton and Seth also came. Seth is forever on the move. Red China failed by one vote to get a delegate seated for the Security Council hearing of charges against U.S. bombing of Manchuria. Jan Christian Smuts is dead at 80. 

Sept 13 Americans drove NoKoreans back one mile at Taegu. The Senate passed both the McCarran and Kilgore Anti-Red bills 70-7. Truman dropped Defense Secretary Louis A. Johnson and replaced him with Gen George C. Marshall. Gypsy Rose Lee, & Irene Wicker denounced the Red Channels campaign to keep "subversives" off the air. They vigorously attacked Communism. We went over to Mom's bringing an anniversary cake. Lil & Harry brought flowers. Peggy speaks pretty well now.

Sept 14 G.I.'s trapped 3000 NoKoreans. The "Big Three" foreign ministers in secret talks here heard Commissioner for Germany McCloy in a discussion of Germany's role in the defense of Western Europe. Acheson, Bevin & Schuman participated. Los Angeles enacted a law requiring members of all 'Communistic" organizations to register.

Sept 15 U.N. ships and planes blasted NoKorean ports. SoKorean commandos landed behind NoKorean lines on the East Coast. At the 'Big Three' meeting France & England continued to oppose the use of Germany in the defense of West Europe. Three gunmen coldbloodedly shot down two messengers and made off with $23,000. One messenger is near death. 

Sept 16 Marshall was confirmed as Sec'y of Defense over bitter G.O.P. protests. Allied amphibious forces landed at Inchon and lunged to within ten miles of Seoul. 130 noted Americans appealed for a veto of the McCarran Bill.

Monday, March 14, 2016


Sept 3 Sunday Sam & Molly and Lil & Harry and the kids came over. We had hot dogs, potato salad, etc. The women played Canasta while Eugene beat each of the men in the baseball game he had gotten in the country. Sylvia and Susan worked for hours on baking cakes using the toy pastry set. When it came time to go home Susan cried as they hadn't finished. Peggy cried that Eugene had smacked her. "What did you do to him?" "I smacked him back". Sam and Molly stayed late. We saw "Uncle Vanya" with Boris Karloff and "The Payoff" with Lee Tracy. Read We both read Michael Blankfort's "Big Yankee" & Irving Stone's "Adversary in the House". 

Sept 4 Labor Day Stayed home all day watching the Yanks divide a double header with the Athletics and Herbie Flam enter the finals in the 'Nationals'. by beating Mulloy in five sets. Mom and pop dropped in about 3:30 on their way home from the mountains. Nationwide G.E. strike started. A new No Korean offensive carried them to within ten miles of Taegu. 

Sept 5 NoKorean flanking drives periled Pohang and Taegu. Ford signed a 5 year contract with the UAW increasing wages 8¢ per hour, pensions from $100 to $125 monthly, 4¢ per hour annual increases, hitching wages to cost of living. In Oklahoma C.P. leader Alan Shaw, Scientist Lomanitz and three others were arrested when C.P. literature was found in their trunk.

Sept 6 Most of Eugene's pants do not fit him. Both kids grew a lot during the summer. Pohang fell to the NoKoreans. It was reported that a Russian plane was shot down off Korea attacking U.S. forces. Malik called the charge provocative. Art Larsen won the National Singles beating Herbie Flam 6-3, 4-6, 5-7, 6-4, 6-3. Mrs. M.O. Dupont won the women's title over Doris Hart 6-3, 6-3. Ken McGregor & Mrs. Dupont won the mixed doubles 6-4, 2-6, 6-3. Gil Hall won the veteran's over John Sisson 6-1, 7-5. 

Sept 7 Eugene made his first trip without us when he went to the zoo with Jerome Elkind. He packed a lunch and got 50¢ to cover carfare, soda, icecream. The kids went to Fordham with Lil yesterday to get some school supplies. Eugene got pants for $3.00. Sylvia got a dress for $4.00. NoKoreans are within 7 miles of Taegu. Russia vetoed an American proposal calling on all countries to refrain from aiding NoKorea. Russia claims the plane shot down yesterday by us was only on a training flight and asked compensation. A rally sponsored by several ministers to protest banning of peace rallies was itself banned. 

Sept 8 Eugene had a good time at the zoo yesterday. The kids spent their carfare money and walked home. The NoKorean offensive "petered out" after early gains. There is much stir about the Anti-Comjmunist publication "Red Channels" which has listed 151 actors, producers, etc. as associated with "red causes" in the future. Jean Muir lost her job because of protests based on her listing. A committee led by Rabbi Benj Schultz is also active in fighting "Communism" in the entertainment field. Irwin Shaw has withdrawn his 15 year old play "Bury The Dead" in order to purge himself. French police rounded up 266 "Alien Reds". Lillian went to see Dr Goodfriend who found the tumor the same. He was not sure of the cause of Lil's illness in the country.  

Sept 9 100 Westinghouse workers demonstrated for the discharge of 17 "Reds". Dr Sidney Weinbaum, jet expert, was convicted of "perjury" in denying C.P. membership and Dr Hsue-Shin Tsien was held for deportation as a Communist. Sandy Saddler won the world's featherweight crown when Champion Willie Pep dislocated his shoulder in the 8th round. Pep had been leading decisively.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Aug 27 Sunday We all returned to the city by Russeks truck a week early as Lillian wasn't very well.

Aug 28 No Koreans took Kigye gaining 7 miles. Sec'y of Navy Matthews called for a preventive war on Russia. Lee Pressman states he had been a member of a C.P. cell in the "thirties" but declared Alger Hiss had not been one to his knowledge. The death rate in India's 12 day old quake is nearing 5000. In the Davis Cup finals Saturday, Australia's Ken McGregor and Frank Sedgman pulled a sensation by winning both singles over Ted Schroeder & Tom Brown respectively - 13-11, 6-3, 6-4 and 6-0, 8-6, 9-7. On Sunday, Australia clinched the Davis Cup when Bromwich and Sedgman beat Schroeder & Mulloy 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, 4-6, 6-4. It was Australia's first win since 1939. On the final day Sedgman beat Schroeder 6-2, 6-2, 6-2. Tom Brown won our only victory beating McGregor 9-11, 8-10, 11-9, 6-4, 6-2. The kids went to the Kingsbridge with Betty-Ann and little Joyce. They saw "Night and the City" and "Love That Brute". 

Aug 29 Nineteen Nazi war criminals were released from jail early "for good behavior". So Koreans retook Kigye. Truman ordered a MacArthur statement on the delicate Formosan situation to be withdrawn. Pressman 'talked' to the "UnAmerican Comm" naming Nat Witt, John Abt and Charles Kramer as fellow Communists in '34-'35. Jean Muir lost her television job in the "Aldrich Family" although she denounced the C.P. The World Telegram was published for the first time after an 11-week strike. Giuseppe De Luca is dead at 73. 

Aug 30 Sylvia is downstairs playing with her friends continually. Eugene has no one to play with. He watches the Yankee ball game telecast. No Koreans are advancing towards Taegu & Pohang. Red China charges of U.S. aggression against Formosa were accepted by the Security Council. The former's delegates were still barred however from a seat. The "House" passed the 'Wood Bill' requiring Communists and officers of "Front" organizations to register. The vote was 354-20. The C.I.O. ousted the West Coast Longshoremen and Marine Cooks & Stewards union as "Communist liners". 

Aug 31 No Koreans drove nearer to Pohang. Dr Ed Rumely and William Patterson were cited for contempt by "House" votes. The former's was by a narrow margin. The first Negro ever to play in the "Nationals", Althea Gibson narrowly missed scoring a great upset when she led Louise Brough 1-6, 6-3, 7-6 until rain forced a postponement. Today Yesterday Miss Brough won three successive games to clinch the match. Eugene went to the library with Jerome Elkind and drew "Highroad to Adventure" - Howard Pease, "Freddy and the Perilous Adventure" - W.R. Brooks, "Captains Courageous" - R. Kipling and "The Reformed Pirate" - F Stockton.

Sept 1 30000 NoKoreans opened an all out drive on Pusan. 55 died in a plane crash in Egypt. Many notables had been on board including Egypt's #1 film actress, Camelia, UN delegates and residents of a dozen nations. Three leading Communists were arrested for sedition in Pittsburgh. Gil Hodges hit 4 home runs and a single as Bklyn beat the Braves 19-3. 

Sept 2 We watched Mulloy & Flam win over Cochell & Talbert in straight sets quarter final matches, over the television. Then we went out for a walk and brought home chow mein. North Koreans made initial gains in a powerful attack but Americans held fast after early losses. Leading East German Communists including Paul Merker were expelled from the party. South Koreans delegate representative Dr John Chang was voted a place at the Security Council table over Malik's objections. Abraham G. Silverman, Nat Witt, John Abt & Charles Kramer again refused to answer questions by the "UnAmerican Comm.". Josh White voluntarily appeared before the Comm. to attack Robeson & the C.P.