5/16 Sunday Rain all day so we spent it indoors. Eugene got 80% on his Sunday school test. The kids put on a circus show. Played some chess with Eugene. We listened to Nick Carter and Sherlock Holmes which Eugene enjoyed very much. Sylvia put on her dancing costume and whirled and spun. Yesterday Lillian took the kids to Museum of N.H. to see the Indian Exhibit which Eugene missed. Then they stopped at Milton and Shirley's dingy quarters and home by bus. Arab planes have been bombing Tel Aviv ever since the birth of "Israel".
5/17 Sylvia gets bread and butter, cream cheese and jelly when I eat breakfast. Anti-fascist C.B.S. correspondent George Polk was killed in Greece after trying to arrange an interview with guerrilla leader Gen. Markos. Chaim Weitzman is president of the new state Israel. A left wing Polo Grounds rally for Israel heard Marcantonio, Osman [?], Robeson, Larry Adler, Glen Taylor, Isacson, BZ Goldberg, Arthur Miller, AE Kohn, Crum, Elbert Thomas, Warsaw Cantor Kusevitsky and Jewish fighter of Palestine Yakov Ritkin [Riftin]. A Garden rally heard Neumann, Morganthou, Lehman, Taft, O'Dwyer.
5/18 The kids saw the television at the Singer's. But when Lillian called for them, Sylvia was in tears. Stalin hailed Wallace's plan as a basis for peace discussions. Jewish troops captured a Lebanon town as Arabs invaded Israel from three sides. Russia recognized Israel.
5/19 Sylvia's slogan is 'Never admit anything'. Israel captured Acre. The State Dept barred peace talks with Russia based on Wallace's open letter. The City Council again barred Gerson.
5/20 Beat Levy. Sylvia has been working on the erector set. Eugene is television mad, neglecting his radio programs to see the television programs. The State Dept is retaining its arms embargo in the Middle East while Britain sends arms there. Jews fought the Arabs hand-to-hand. The House passed the Mundt Bill 319-58. In the evening to the Pythian Temple with Sam and Molly for a dance and entertainment. Milton Shirley and Mrs. Perl there.
5/21 Sylvia made jig-saws this morning. At lunch time Eugene broke and re-constructed them. Israel made its first bombing attack. Lillian read "Twilight on the Danube" by F. C. Weiskopf and Best Amer. Short Stories of 1947 - Foley.
5/22 Sylvia complained her cheek hurt her at 6 A.M. As the morning passed she complained her ear hurt her more and more severely. At 11:30 AM we all taxied to Dr. Holzman's office. Sylvia had no temp at home but had 100.8 at the office. She was found to have a badly inflamed ear and got an injection of penicillin (3000 c.c.). She also has to get the ear drops and chocolate medicine (Sulfa) she had for her last ear attack. We also had Eugene examined for his persistent cough. Dr. Holzman thought he had an allergy which we must try to discover. Eugene weighted 66 lbs and was 4 ft 4 1/2 in. tall. Lillian described her latest cheek pain which has just subsided after two weeks. Dr. Holzman thought an xray would be necessary if it returns. Meat strikers except at Wilson & Co. will return with 9¢ per hour raise. O'Dwyer red-baited T.W.U. left wing leaders. Eugene has to take neo-synephrine and a medicine. Sylvia gets argyrol in her nose ...