Tuesday, December 31, 2013


5/9 Sunday Lost to Levine. Sylvia asked Lillian if everyone would die. After Lillian evaded this Sylvia asked is she would die. Lillian said no. Sylvia later told Eugene she knew someone who wouldn't die. Eugene is very hoarse. Lillian is still suffering and I hurt my ankle at tennis. Played Eugene some chess. Clyde Miller was fired from Columbia. Lillian saw "I Stole a Million" with G. Raft and "In Old California" at the Lido.

5/10 Eugene does a lot of "reading" these days. Eugene is on the Committee studying Indian occupations. Charleston Seaman Robert New, Wallace leader was murdered by an anti-communist goon in the Union hall. The C.I.O. denounced the Mundt Bill. Botvinnik won the Worlds chess championship over Keres, Euwe, Reshevsky.

5/11 Beat Chesneau. Sylvia blew bubble on the side-lines. Eugene got 97 in multiplication and 100 in his other arithmetic tests. Truman seized the railroads and got a court order forbidding a walkout breaking the projected strike.

5/12 Sylvia still cries upon being forsaken for some time. Eugene has a cough now. 20,000 heard Wallace denounce the Mundt Bill and ask for US Russian talks. After the "Garden" meeting two thousand of the audience went to the "Music Hall" to protest the "Iron Curtain". They clashed with police and Catholic War Vets. Peace feelers for US and Russia have stirred the world. Murray assailed the third party and O'Dwyer assailed the Mundt Bill at the A.C.W. Convention. Luigi Einaudi was elected president of the Italian Republic.

5/13 Eugene stayed out of school due to his slight cold and the rain. He missed the trip to the Museum of Nat. History. Lillian tried ice bag applications for her neck. Marshall closed the door to peace talks with Russia outside the UN. The Steel and Clothing Workers Conventions attacked the Mundt Bill. Red-baiting was also heard in both. 75,000 Chrysler workers struck. 1000 protested the slaughter of Greek patriots at the consulate.

5/14 Sylvia got a present of little Golden books in each of which she printed her name. Truman announced his opposition to the Mundt Bill. The Steel Union convention saw an administration opponent mobbed as red-baiting reigned. 

5/15 Eugene bounced a ball up on a roof. He wanted to recover that one but wouldn't accept another. The Jewish State of "Israel" was set up in Palestine under Prime Minister Ben Gurion with Moshe Shertok as Prime Minister [sic, actually, Foreign Minister]. The U.S. recognized the state in another surprise flip-flop. The Steel Union Convention banned Communists for any union office.

Monday, December 30, 2013


5/2 Sunday In the morning to the park with Sylvia Eugene still being in bed although fine. A little boy picked her up for a game of ball. In the afternoon Lillian went to the Kingsbridge to see "The Fabulous Texan" and "Where There's Life" with Bob Hope. Played games with the kids including "I doubt it" a card game. Sylvia smiled several times as she put out a card as if she was bluffing. Then she put on a poker face and bluffed. But I caught her and she was stuck with about thirty cards which she couldn't handle. Showed "Jack and the Beanstalk". 

5/3 Sylvia sings "1-2-3-4, We don't want another war. 5-6-7-8 We want Wallace in '48". She picked it up at the parade. ... We went out after supper Eugene's first day out since Friday. 75000 marched in the parade. The Anti-Communist parade drew 15,000. VP Candidate Glen Taylor was roughed up and arrested when he tried to use a Jim Crow entrance to a hall in Birmingham.

5/4 We went to the circus today. Eugene got a puppet and cowboy hat. Sylvia got a sombrero and monkey on a stick. We had ice cream, cracker jacks, soda chocolate milk. We brought our lunch with us. Milk, ham and cheese sandwiches, cream cheese and jelly sandwiches. The Supreme Court ruled that neither State nor Federal Courts may enforce restrictive covenants - 6-0, Wallace defied a mob of hoodlums to speak to 5000 at Columbia, Mo. The British poured troops into Palestine.

5/5 Sylvia if she wants something will point to someplace and say "it says here that you should do so and so". Eugene has added "The Lone Ranger" to his radio programs at 7:30. He very often forgets to brush his teeth. The Greek gov't executed 154 patriots. Lillian again has a pain in her neck. Her stomach is also sore.

5/6 Lillian went to Ohrbach's. She bought a topper $14. Also stockings for mother, a blouse and nightgown for herself and a balloon for Sylvia which she greatly enjoyed. Earlier she had gone to assembly for Arbor Day with Sylvia. Eugene had made up a riddle about a flower instead of a tree so he didn't participate. Sylvia started to cry in the yard when with Lillian downtown I went for a walk. After school to the Library, where Eugene drew "The Further Adventures of Nils" by Lagerlof  "The Sky is Blue" by W.M. Reed (science) "Fairy Tales From Grandfather's Big Book" by E.L. Calisch (The Talmud). Sylvia chose "Stories About Henry" by J.S. Tippett. Wallace was threatened by Mundt for attacking the Mundt Bill. More Greeks were executed in retaliation for the assassination of Justice Minister Ladas. 3rd Ave. Transit workers got 24¢ per hour raise averting a strike. Judge Goldsborough issued an injunction against the deportation hearings on the grounds that the Administrative Procedure Act requiring prosecuting inspectors to be chosen by rotation had been violated. Marshall admitted Nations implore the US not to precipitate war, in testifying against revision of the UN Charter. Dalton Trumbo #2 was convicted of contempt of the UnAmerican Comm. Sen Taylor was sentenced to 180 days in jail - suspended and $50. fine.

5/7 Sylvia came up crying from Norma's yesterday. Today she wouldn't go down there but played with Norma here. We couldn't pry the reason out of her. Eugene didn't call Lillian this morning until 8 O'clock although the alarm rang at 7:30. Coming home for lunch he forgot his rubbers. 44 more were executed in Greece. Korean rightists made an agreement with the Communists, praising the Soviet occupation and attacking the US. Read Bernard Smith's anthology "The Democratic Spirit". Lillian's cheek and neck were better and then suddenly much worse. She suffered all evening.

5/8 To Mother's for "Mothers Day" as she has a wedding tomorrow. Harry Lil & Susan over also. We gave them stockings handkerchiefs and lilacs. Mama gave me a shirt for my birthday. Eugene and I beat Pop at chess. Furriers ended their strike with concessions. Lillian was still troubled with her ailment and used a heating lamp.

Although Dad didn't say anything about them (even on "tomorrow", the actual Mother's Day), the following cards were taped in the diary here; the tape had dried out, and they actually fell out when I turned the page, so I felt free to scan both inside and outside. First my card, outside and inside, then Silvia's card, outside and inside; hers is much larger.


4/25 Sunday We spent several hours in the playground. Isabel got into two quarrels on the big swings but hung on to hers doggedly. At home we all played "hide the hat". In the afternoon the kids went to the aqueduct with Lil & Ev. They got pops and a merry-go-round. At home we had an ice cream brick. Sylvia was rather hoarse today.

4/26 Sylvia sneezed and coughed this morning. In the park she amused a man giving her didy doll water and having her 'make'. Russia joined the UN Trusteeship Council after a year's boycott. Irgun attacked the port of Jaffa. Italian police fired on 20,000 left-wing demonstrators. Lillian read "101 Years Entertainment" (Great Detective Stories 1840-1941) edited by Ellery Queen

4/27 Sylvia in bed today with a stuffed nose. No temp. Eugene has a "Knox" Cap for $1. at Alexander's. 15 Negro leaders called to a conference by Forrestal were told by Army Sec'y Royall that segregation would stay and that it was not necessarily discriminatory. 10,000 per [pier?] workers struck. Sen. Ferguson called for prosecution of 64 top C.P. leaders. The UN voted to send an American British and French police force. The Arab states plan to invade Palestine with armies.

4/28 Sylvia walked around today. Her cold is in the coming out stage. Eugene still reads the comic books.

4/29 Sylvia will not stay put in her room drawing or playing a game, as a rule. She must be flitting around listening to everything we say, asking questions making a nuisance of herself. The British attacked Irgun forces at Jaffa. PM was sold to Crum and J Barnes. Fields retains a small interest. Many professors are being persecuted for supporting Wallace. J.W. Knudsen is dead at 69.

4/30 Took the kids to the park where I played some practice tennis with Milt Pikulin. Eugene found a squirrel's home on a branch of a tree. He also punched Sylvia for which he had to sit down for the rest of our stay in the park. Eugene tonight vomited twice. felt nauseous, had a temp of 102-101-104°. He complained of a pain in his neck. 

5/1 My 40th birthday Lillian called Dr. Holzman but Dr. Glassman came in his absence. He said it was inflammation of a gland, not the mumps. He prescribed an ice collar to his neck twenty minutes off and twenty on. Eugene's temp was below 100 all day. He seemed fine although we thought it might be the mumps when we heard Arnold P. had just gotten it. Mom Pop Sylvia and I went down to see the parade. We stood for four hours, mama being especially tired. Much fruit and vegetables were thrown at the marchers. At home, Lillian had made a birthday cake for me with five candles. For presents I got a shirt from the kids and bedroom slippers from Lillian. The kids made me birthday cards which follow [see scanned-in page]. Started 9 days vacation. 

Twelve Colombian C.P. leaders were released when no proof was found of their responsibility for recent riots. Jews and Arabs are in a bitter struggle for Jerusalem.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


4/18 Sunday Eugene complained of a stiff neck this morning. After lunch we visited the Popes in Bklyn. Danny is adorable, bright-eyed and energetic. We brought two racing autos on a track. He kept examining the tunnel on the track to ascertain why the autos stopped there. Eugene had an advantage on Al in a chess game but lost the end game. I split games with Al. At home Eugene had 102°. He got an aspirin, some oil of wintergreen and gargled. The curb strike ended with a 10% raise. Vincent J Kane [?] died at 52.

4/19 Eugene in bed all day, but normal. His fever yesterday was evidently due to constipation. Lillian showed the kids "Jack and the Beanstalk" with the new projector I got. 27 million Italians voted yesterday and today in a vital election. Arabs claim Soviet officers are leading Jewish armies. Several thousand heard Paul Robeson in his defying a University ban.

4/20 Eugene's temp reached 100° when he left the bed so he stayed in again today. He has a slightly sore throat. He built a giant airplane swing. Paul Ross assistant to Mayor O'Dwyer resigned in protest over the Mayor's fare rise stand. Wallace denounced the Police state bill soon to be introduced. JH Lawson first Hollywood figure to be tried by a Federal Court was found guilty of contempt of Congress. No other issue was allowed to be injected into the case except the one as to whether Lawson refused to answer the question "Are you or have you ever been a member of the C.P." Lewis and the UMW were found guilty of civil and criminal contempt for the recent walkout.

4/21 Sylvia met an old friend of hers in the playground today, named Harriet. They romped for a while, going on the see-saw. Eugene was better but stayed home to have his eyes examined at Columbia U. Lillian also had her eyes checked because of a last minute cancellation. Neither needed new lenses but they recommended new lenses for reading for Lillian. Sylvia refused a couple of invitations to have drinks with the doctors. O'Dwyer announced his decision to raise the subway fare to 10¢ and buses 7¢ bypassing a referendum and 300000 petitions against a rise. The Italian election results were approximately - Christian Democrats 48% Popular Front 31¢ [sic] in the greatest campaign of intervention from outside a country against a party. U.S. proposed a trusteeship over Palestine with provision for police forces. Lewis was fined $20,000 and the union $1,400,000  for criminal contempt. Miners are again walking out in protest. 200,000 attended Gaitan's funeral. Quill resigned from the A.L.P. with a red-baiting blast. A N.Y. C.P. meeting was attacked. Yonkers "Worker" canvassers were arrested and Detroit newsstands were raided for "red" literature. Walter Reuther was gravely wounded by an unknown assailant.

4/22 Eugene wanted to leave a few minutes earlier after lunch so he could speak to another boy about a Passover play they're supposed to write. Lillian went down to Irving Rosenberg about an inverted toe nail which had been paining her. He fixed it up for her. Our project X in Italy cost us $4000,000 it is disclosed.
4/23 Lillian had to go over to Molly's early to prepare the meal for tonight as Molly did not feel well. After school Lillian came home to dress the kids. Then I stopped over at Mom's with the kids while Lillian went directly to Molly's. Later at Molly's with Sam, Mike Evelyn & Isabel & Milton, Shirley and Mrs. Perl [?] we had a delicious supper. The kids played an exciting game of jet planes and shooting. We got home at the unusually late hour of 10:15 with the games. Detroit police picked up left-wing Ford union leaders in the Reuther shooting. Jews captured Haifa when the British evacuated it forcing an Arab surrender after killing a hundred in a terrific battle. The Steel Trust plans to cut prices and refuse wage raises. 800 Communists were jailed in Brazil. A five week revolution in Costa Rica ended in victory for General Figueres who will form a military junta to take over the gov't on May 8 re-write the constitution and call for national elections. The Chinese Communists regained Yenan.

4/24 Eugene drew "New Stories To Tell To Children" by S.C. Bryant (Mrs. Borst) Creswick's "Robin Hood" "Wonderful Adventures of Nils" by Lagerlof. When Sylvia saw the beautiful illustrations in "In Henry's Backyard" by Weltfish and Benedict she drew it rather than the story of an Eskimo boy she had intended to take. The former book is based on the pamphlet "Races of Mankind". At five o'clock Evelyn and Isabel who had slept over at Molly's came here. The kids played games, I joining with them in "hide and seek". Isabel intends to marry Eugene! The kids went up to the Singers to see their new television set. Soon Sylvia came down in tears with no explanation. She clings to Isabel. Ford trade union leader Nelson Davis is being held in suspicion in the Reuther case in an apparent frame-up. He is an admitted Communist. Cops clubbed striking packing workers on the picket line and in their union hall to break up mass picketing and allow scabs to return to work.

Monday, December 23, 2013


4/11 Sunday Sylvia out of bed today and romping with Eugene. After Sunday School they played "hide the pencil". After lunch Eugene heard "The Odyssey" on "Tell It Again" which he knew very well. Then they went down to the Wasserbergers to see "moving pictures". Upstairs again they played "hide the gun". Played some chess with Eugene. Reading to Sylvia in bed I discovered her lip and tongue covered with crayon colors. She puts things in her mouth unconsciously. Lillian has been bothered with pain in the glands of her neck for several days. She read Kurt Reiss [sic] "High Stakes" and Taylor Caldwell's "Final Hour".

4/12 The Eastern Regional NAACP criticized Eisenhower's Jim Crow attitude. The Int'l Conference to Aid Democratic Greece opened in Paris with delegates from 23 countries. Wallace addresses 21000 at the Chicago "Nat'l Wallace for Pres. Comm. Conference. Fascists got leading posts in the Greek Confederation of Labor. The C.I.A.L [?] Congress in Mexico City attacked the Marshall Plan. Lillian went to Dr. Holzman about her pains in the neck and cheek. He said it was a neuritis or neuralgia due to a draft or caused by her teeth. He prescribed at ointment and an xray by a dentist. Jock Sutherland is dead of a brain tumor at 59. 

4/13 Lillian went to Dr. Robbins for her xray. I colored pictures with Sylvia and read from Robinson Crusoe to Eugene. Columbia broke relations with Russia claiming Communist origin of the revolt! Two Russian agents were among fifteen arrested "in the act" it was claimed. Liberal leaders have been taken into the gov't. Several hundred have been killed as the fighting and looting continues. Forrestal asserted Russia has the know how but not the industrial capacity to build the atom bomb. Coal miners won a $100 monthly pension for those who reach 62 with 20 years service who retired after May 28 1946. Lewis sent the miners back to work but will still face contempt of court charges. 17 Senators asked a revision of the UN Charter to bar the veto on aggression or armaments. Veteran stormtroopers broke up a Rochester C.P. meeting slugging speakers and burning literature. Arabs and Jews have taken turns in capturing strategic hill of Kastel for two weeks in their full fledged war. Mom Pop Lil & Susan over. 

4/14 Sylvia must have someone to play with. Eugene can amuse himself very well. The propaganda battle for Italy has been going full blast for weeks. Millions of letters have been sent from here telling the Italians to vote for "democracy" and denouncing Russian interference! Quill again attacked Saul Mills' "doubletalk"! He demanded an immediate fare raise! threatening a transit tie up otherwise. A Jewish state was proclaimed in Palestine to go into effect May 16. A Federal Court tribunal upheld the Constitutionality of the non-Communist provision of the Taft-Hartley law 2-1. 

4/15 Lillian's xray showed a complete negative. All she needed was a cleaning. So her pain is due to a cold. It is gradually clearing up. After school we went to the Windsor to see "On a Wing and a Prayer" with Don Ameche and Dana Andrews. Fighting the Japs from an aircraft carrier. Also "The Big Sleep" with Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart. An involved plot with about five killings. Eugene enjoyed both features. Sylvia improved, showing an interest for half an hour. From then on she wanted to go home, becoming more and more anguished towards the end. 30000 heard Carey, Leon Henderson, Rabbi Silver, Celler denounce the Zion sell out at the Y. Stadium. A quarter million workers stopped work. Councilman Connolly and two others were barred from entering Italy. Read "American Vaudeville" by Douglas Gilbert. 

4/16 Took Sylvia down finally with her baby to the playground where she romped all over. Sylvia was assigned to a class and room when she starts school in September. Eugene showed interest in her room number. O'Dwyer met with 47 right wing AFL & CIO leaders including Quill & Curran on the fare question. Thousands of delegates from progressive organizations invaded Wash D.C. on the Palestine betrayal. Robert Magidoff, U.S. correspondent in Moscow was ordered out for spying. The French C.P. demanded inclusion in a new Coalition gov't. Constance Drexel another American who had broadcast for Hitler was freed. Transport workers voted to strike bus lines for wages raises and better pensions. Philippine President Manuel Roxas died of a heart attack at 56. 

4/17 Eugene drew "Millet Tilled the Soil" by Deucher and Wheeler "Tartan Tales" from Lang, "Printer's Devil" by Adam Allen. Sylvia chose "A Summer Day With Ted & Nina" by M. DeAngeli. Sylvia can toy with her milk interminably but when I count seven or ten she finishes it at once.

Friday, December 13, 2013


4/4 Sunday We all attended the N.F.P.O.C. annual installation at Manhattan Center. Guest speakers were Rep. Klein and Sen. Langer. Entertainment were the Dennis Sisters, Paul Benson, the auctioneer who was a riot with his takeoffs on radio shows giving participants free gifts. Little Larry Roberts sang several songs. Refreshments consisted of hot dogs and beer. The kids had 1 1/2 each and like them. Afterwards we walked to Times Square spending a half hour in a penny arcade. Then in a book store Sylvia insisted on our buying "Training Pants" for her. Her persistence won out.

4/5 Sylvia has a slight cold and is in bed today with slightly over 100°. ...  Eugene is anxious for the fight between Patoruzu and Gorilla to start.Thousands of Jewish War Vets marched in protest against our Palestine policy. Tens of thousands assembled in Madison Square Park for speeches. Italian troops marched to intimidate "peoples front" supporters. 

4/6 Sylvia's temp went up to 100.8 last night and this morning but was 100° at noon. She got aspirin and argyrol drops. She played with cut outs and balloons in bed. Even the police are handing out letters to be sent to Italy against "Communism". Gromyko boycotted the Security Council meeting which heard the US plan for a trusteeship over Palestine plus loopholes for US British and French troops to get into Palestine to "keep order". Krupp and his associates were cleared by an American military tribunal. Read Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter". 

4/7 Sylvia's temp went up to 103 last night. Lillian called Dr. Holzman who came this morning. He said Sylvia had an infected ear and called her a little actress for not admitting her pain. She got sulfa drops for her ear. Also some medicine and privine. Her temp was 100 1/2 going up to 101 1/2 later in the day. She was playful most of the day. Eugene's report card was perfect again except an "improving" in penmanship. Mrs. Ingram's sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Eisenhower's condonement of military Jim Crow has caused resentment in Negro ranks. The Council on African Affairs is politically split with Max Yergan leading the anti-left fight. Seven thousand furriers were locked out. Bus lines cut their runs laying off veterans and causing a stoppage. Auto manufacturer Paul Hoffman will direct the E.R.P. 

4/8 Sylvia better this morning. Her temp 99.5. Hoodlums attacked a Wallace meeting in Evansville Ind. slugging C.B. Baldwin and two other aides. Hotel reservations were cancelled. MacArthur's bubble was burst in his first test in Wisconsin where Stassen routed him. Isaacson was again denied a passport to Paris.  

4/9 Sylvia normal. Her medicine is to be omitted. Still in bed. Eugene says he's improving in "Throw the rubber ring". Truman disapproved the recent violence against the "left" but refused to denounce it publicly. Russia and Finland signed a treaty of mutual assistance against aggression.

4/10 Sylvia getting very restless in bed. Herb Pachmann took Arnold and Eugene to see the "Army Day" parade. A leftist revolt in Columbia set off by the assassination of the Liberal leader Dr. J. E. Gaitan threatens to end the Inter-American Conference being held in Bogota. An Indiana professor was dismissed for being a "Wallace" leader. The UnAmerican Comm. proposed legislation to make the C.P. an illegal conspiracy with its leaders subject to jail.