Tuesday, September 25, 2012


7/20 Sunday In the morning to Walton to play tennis with the kids. After lunch we walked to Gun Hill Rd. and the park. We spent the afternoon with Mom and Pop, Molly & Sam. Eugene drew with Pop at chess. I beat Pop two then Eugene played an unfinished game with a Mr. Berman. After supper at Mom's we went home. We read "Children Have Their Reasons" Ruth W. Washburn.

7/21 Lost to Weckworth. The kids played "cops" with a boy they met in the playground. The Dutch reopened warfare against Indonesia. Mrs. Ingalls was found guilty of enslaving her housemaid Dora Jones for thirty years. Lillian took the kids to see "The Yearling" at the "Grand". Walter Donaldson is dead.

That movie made a tremendous impression on me. I loved it, and remember the key parts well.  

7/22 The kids have been threading some sewing cards Lillian got them. American arms and American trained troops are being used in the fight against the Greek Chinese and Indonesian people. The "House" passed the Rep. Anti-Poll Tax bill 290-112 intended as a punishment of Southern failure to override the income tax veto. Queens bus drivers are striking in the face of O'Dwyer's strong opposition. They stopped negotiations charging the arbitrator was prejudiced.  

7/23 Assorted Nazis and renegades from Communism are having a field day before the "UnAmerican Comm." Haganah, on its own, is joining in violence against the British after the latest outrage. In the morning to the library where Eugene drew "Yankee Doodle's Cousins" by Anne Malcolmson, "The Secret Garden" by F. H. Burnett, "The Tale of the Wild Goose" by H.B. Kane and Sylvia chose "The Kitten Stand" by B. Coatsworth. In the afternoon, to the lake where we rowed and ate our supper on the grass. The kids sailed their boats and found some pop bottles which they filled with water. At night to meet Mac & Sarah at Goldman Band in Central Park. We heard an all-English program. Afterwards we had a bite in Stewarts.

Still don't know  who "Mac & Sarah [Horowitz]" are, and don't know "Stewarts". 

 7/24 Lost to Weckworth. Sylvia dawdles over her morning cereal endlessly. Eugene said Sylvia could do better than the kids who play chess in the play ground as she knows P-K4. Eight Burmese gov't officials were killed presumably by the rightist opposition. US and Russia had their bitterest quarrel over over the Balkan States which have left wing coalition gov'ts. R. J. Watt is dead at 55.

7/25 Tennis at Walton, then the Reservoir playground. Indonesia claims to have stopped the Dutch advance. We have been training our forces in atomic warfare. Unions are being subpoenaed by the "Thomas UnAmerican Comm." where the Communist issue is being aired. 15000 protested the British attacks on Jews at Madison Square. Lillian went to Van Cortlandt with the Pachmans.

7/26 Tennis at Walton, then the playground. When Eugene eats, the floor near him looks like a battlefield. We have decided to stop food relief to Poland. 27 miners were killed in W. Frankfort, Ill. May and the Garssons were let off with 8 months to two years for wartime bribes. Mary Ware Dennett is dead at 75.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


7/13 Sunday Beat Greenwald & Alex                     . Took cab again to Woodlawn. Pop & Mom, Lilly & Susan, Sam & Molly up. Eugene played Alex G a couple of games then lost a game to Pop. I beat Pop a game. 16 nations participated in the opening of the Marshall Plan conference with 8 of the Soviet bloc rejecting invitations. Jimmy Lunceford is dead at 45.

He left space for "Alex"'s last name, but didn't fill it in. Don't know if "Alex G." was a different Alex, but clearly it was chess I was playing, vice Dad's tennis with "Greenwald & Alex". 

7/14 Beat Al Levitt. Greece claimed an International Brigade invaded it from Albania. 7 Negroes in a Brunswick Ga. prison camp were shot to death.

7/15 The kids made several rooms full of furniture and people on their table and played all morning. Later played some tennis with Eugene at the Walton cement courts. The Marshall Plan parley set up the following committees: Executive, food and agriculture, power, iron and steel, transport. Thousands more were arrested in Greece. All strike breaking attempts have been smashed at Remington Rand.

7/16 Played chess with Eugene, he playing a beautiful game. I barely averted a mate and won when Eugene overlooked a rook. Lillian played records for Sylvia. Another Negro died in the Ga. massacre. We will double Germany's industrial capacity, limiting only production of armaments. Greek arrests are rising. Testifying before Unscop, the Jewish C.P. of Palestine and Dr. Judah Magnes both recommended a bi-national state. The proposed Auto and Farm Equipment unions merger was defeated. Labor defied provisions of the slave bill by going all out for candidate Ed Garmatz in a special Congressional election, helping to elect him. Union papers with appeals for Garmatz were widely distributed. The "House" passed the Rees Bill aimed at the loyalty of federal employees. It permits summary discharges, no hearings for accused and is likened to the Nazi "thought control" laws. Lillian read Edna Ferber's autobiography "A Peculiar Treasure". Rocky Graziano won the middleweight title by KO'ing Tony Zale in 6 rounds.

7/17 Sylvia has been insisting on calling Aunt Mollie since she left her doll there a few days ago. When she got her on the phone she asked if her baby had been a good girl. Beat Eugene a game of 'rapid transit'. Marshall has pledged both arms and training for Greece to crush the guerrillas. All JAFRC leaders received $500. fines. Dr. Barsky received a six month prison sentence the others three months. However five who resigned and "purged" themselves received suspended sentences. These included Leveritt Gleason and Herman Shumlin. A Georgia official called the prison killings deliberate.

7/18 Lillian took the kids out to Evelyn this morning. The Browns signed two Negroes - W. Brown and H. Thompson and optioned Piper Davis. A general walkout at the Brooklyn Trust Co. ended in police violence. Lillian & Evelyn went to a wading pool where the kids had a good time. They got sneakers, plastic jeep, jumping rope, toy crib, bathinet author's game, etc.

7/19 Sylvia said if something or other doesn't happen she'll die. Eugene answered he couldn't die as he had no dyeing material. Then he said he was a punster. France has protested the projected rebuilding of Germany. Sec'y of War Patterson has resigned, K.C. Royall, Undersec'y replacing him. The UN investigating team found no evidence of an Intern'l Brigade in Greece. Truman's veto of a second tax bill was sustained by the Senate 51-36 after the "House" overrode it. The Army barred U.E. Union officials from 'secret' work at R.C.A. A Georgia jury cleared prison guards of the Negro massacre. The British boarded a Jewish refugee ship many being injured and some killed in a 2 1/2 hour battle. Lillian read "Outnumbered" by Katherine Hutter. The Nazis in Austria with a little mysticism thrown in. Read Rabelais. The Yanks tied the A.L. record of 19 straight victories.                            

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


7/6 Sunday Beat Kaminer & Zinderman at Woodlawn. We took lunch supper and lemonade. Played some chess with Pop and Eugene. Took a cab going up.

7/7 Eugene is enthusiastic that each day he can go higher on the monkey bars. Now he can climb to the top. Sylvia reached the top earlier. Spanish voters said "Ja" to Franco's rule for life except for the courageous minority who abstained. The NAACP and A.F.L. are girding to combat rent increases. The latest rage is saucer-shape object-spotting in the sky. Peron has asked for a declaration of peace saying he will help in rehabilitation and warning against extremists of the 'right' and 'left'. Unscop heard England denounced as exploiting the Jews economically in Palestine. In Athens the EAM & C.P. are allowed to function openly as window dressing. Lillian read "The Wind That Shakes the Barley" by James Barke, of Robert Burns life.

I'm curious why Dad wrote "Ja" instead of "Si". Was it just a slip of the pen?

7/8 Played a game with Eugene out of "Invitation to Chess" and found he knew many of the moves and much of the text by heart. At lunch Sylvia took her toy highchair and two children to the table. She fed some of her food to them in a plate then finished everything herself. Margaret Osborne beat Dori Hart in straight sets for the Wimbledon Singles. Friday we went to see "Design For Living" by Noel Coward with Jose Ferrer at the Windsor but walked out on it.

7/9 Sylvia seems to be getting more bashful and Eugene more aggressive in a make-believe way. Gromyko asked that all foreign troops leave Greece and the UN administer aid to it. The "House" voted a new tax bill by 302-112. It still favors the rich. Dennis was sentenced to one year in jail and $1000 fine. The A.L. all stars beat the N.L. 2-1. The City Council passed a hotel rent freeze 19-1. Coal miners signed a contract calling for the 8 hr. day and $13.05 per day plus other improvements.

The box score scanned in below was pasted in the middle of the above entry, with the note below "Doby's debut a few days ago". He clearly originally wrote "Dobie" (as he did a few days ago) but corrected in from the box score. 

7/10 Eugene drew "Billy and the Unhappy Bull" by M. DeJong "Paul Bunyan in the Army" by J. R. Inkslinger "The Tale of the Bullfrog" by H.B. Kane. Sylvia chose "Come Lasses & Lads". We both read Child Care and Training by Faegre & Anderson. I read Leland Stowe's "They Shall Not Sleep". His experiences in China & Russia plus an impassioned plea for an American post-war democratic policy. A big stolen Atom bomb plan scare has fizzled and died away. 7500 including leading Communists & Socialists have been arrested in Athens of the pretext of forestalling an uprising. The "House" finally released "Fascism in Action". Kramer & Falkenburg won the Wimbledon doubles beating

He didn't finish the last sentence. They beat Bill Sidwell and Tony Mottram in straight sets.

7/11 Sylvia's eating is much better now. Eugene's summer haircut makes him look very cute. All nations of the Soviet bloc have rejected invitations to the Marshall Plan parley.

7/12 This morning played tennis with the kids using the paddles. Sylvia is pretty good. Eugene has improved a lot and does very well. Evictions are rising. Lillian took the kids to the Duvac [?] wading pool where they enjoyed themselves.

Can't read the name of the wading pool, don't remember.

Friday, September 14, 2012


6/29 Sunday Up to Woodlawn where I beat Mencher & Waldman. Max Horowitz & Sarah also came up. We took lunch and supper and a jug of Virginia Dare drink. Also went up to the spring. Unscop is being received enthusiastically by the Jews but boycotted by the Arabs. Lucius Boomer is dead at 68.

The "spring" was an outflow of water, from a pipe, in the woods at Woodlawn. Don't know the origin, but the water was ice cold. 

6/30 Beat Weckworth. Eugene is devouring comic books. Sylvia seems to be clinging to mother more than ever, again. Russia has asked that the Marshall Plan be placed under UN control. Weinstock has finally been defeated for re-election.

7/1 Sylvia went down to the yard but because Lillian didn't look out of the window she stood there crying till we called her up. Eugene weight 61 lbs h't 4 ft 3 in. Syl w't 49 h't 3 ft 8 in.A fascist plot to overthrow the gov't has been discovered in France. The plotters had intended to invoke an imminent Communist revolution as an excuse. Court of Appeals upheld the acquittal of the seditionists. Mines were returned to their owners upon expiration of the Smith-Connally law. Truman signed but assailed the phony rent Bill under which rent control expires Feb. 29 48. NAACP convention closed with an implied anti-communist statement. Truman spoke during the parley. Wimbledon quarters saw Kramer beat Geoff Brown in straight sets, Tom Brown beat Petra in straight sets, Young [sic] Budge Patty beat Drobny in five sets after his upset of Bromwich and Dinny Pails beat Bob H Falkenburg in five sets. We took up the rug today.

7/2 Lillian took the kids to Molly's yesterday meeting Lilly Altschuler there. Eugene made a conquest in the park today. Sylvia keeps using threats to have her way with us. The French plotters had intended to suppress the trade unions and the C.P. execute strikers and give religious freedom only to Protestants & Catholics. Russia is asking for all information on the Marshall Plan before any commitments are made. It is also asking priority in aid for the victims of Nazi aggression and the German problem be omitted. The Mayor's Comm. has unanimously [voted] for a referendum on an 8¢ fare. The W.F.T.U. has just finished a conference at Prague. German trade unions were reluctantly admitted. A protest was sent to the Greek gov't on its persecution of the trade unions. China has outlawed the C.P. and is out to arrest Mao Tse Tung.

What was my conquest? A girl? A chess game? Knock-hockey?

7/3 After lunch to 42nd st. We visited two amusement centers. Seeing movies, playing hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer, shooting airplanes and driving a car. Also took a picture of the kids, all mechanically done. We had drinks, custard and a box of candy, then went to the laff.-movie-38¢ where we saw a half dozen cartoons, Mickey Mouse, etc. and several comedies - The Three Stooges, Laurel & Hardy, etc. The kids enjoyed the distorting mirrors outside also. Landlords are rushing to raise rents. The Paris conference broke up as Molotov charged dictation by the "Big Powers". Bevin & Bedault will ask European countries to collaborate on the Marshall Plan. Several Generals have been involved in the French "Black Maquis" plot. Marshall has denied we back Chiang following an 130,000,000 bullet sale to China. At Wimbledon, Kramer beat Pails in four sets and Tom Brown beat Budge Patty in straight sets.

7/4 Yesterday Eugene drew "Aesop's Fables", Pyle's "Robin Hood", Picture Book of Insects by A. T. Gaul and Sylvia chose "This is The Milk That Jack Drank" by W. R. Scott. To Woodlawn where I beat Mencher & Kaminer. Lillian & Sylvia wore their mother & daughter pinafores, which Lillian had just made. Sam & Molly & Pop & Lilly Susan also there. Unions are announcing they will boycott the new N.L.R.B. Major League's second Negro player Larry Dobie [sic] has been signed by Cleveland. Eugene played Pop some chess at the park.

 7/5 Today we went downtown via the 3rd Ave. local and then took the S.I. ferry. Spent a half hour in S.I. taking some snapshots before returning. Truman & Marshall have denied we wish to interfere with other nation's affairs or are following an imperial course. Former Rep. May and the Garsson brothers have been found guilty of bribery in munition contracts during the war. May took $53,000 for using his influence. He is a foremost red-baiter. Ramadier has won a vote of confidence by 82 votes. Lillian read "Trumpet to the World" by Mark Harris and "Flowering Judas" - short stories by K. Anne Porter. Kramer beat Tom Brown in straight sets to win the Wimbledon tournament.