Friday, August 16, 2024


Sunday July 17 We spent the day at Woodlawn. I played some with Warren Burd and then doubles with Warren, Sylvia Cooke and Eugene. It was over 90°. Sylvia had a little cold and did not play. She made a criss cross puzzle. 

July 18 Played some tennis with Eugene in hot weather. His forehand was very good. 

July 19 No cavities - bill $9 The family went to Orchard Beach with Sarah & the kids. Sylvia's cold is much better. She will go in the water for a little while. Lillian has a cold now. The chiefs of the 'Big Four'  Eisenhower, Bulganin, Eden and Faure had their first session at Geneva to work out a peace program. Russia promised to donate to Eisenhower's 'atoms for peace' pool. Eisenhower proposed a system of arms inspection to forestall sudden attacks. Eden recommended a mutual defence [sic] pact and a unified Germany. Faure asked for arms cuts and an intern'l fund to aid under developed companies. 

July 20 The car's battery was dead today, and I called the AAA and then had a charge. Sylvia drew "Desiree" by Selinko which she hadn't finished. "Joan Foster, Jr" by A.R. Colver, "Girls Who Did" Ferris & Moore, "Sue Barton, Student Nurse" and "Sue Barton, Staff Nurse" by H.D. Boylston. The family was supposed to go to Orchard Beach but Eugene turned up with a sore throat. 

July 21 I split with Levitan as Eugene went to play with Bobby R. Sylvia rode her bike. U.S. and Russian farm delegations are visiting each other's countries and being received enthusiastically. 

July 22 Temp 96° hottest day of year. We picked up Sam & Molly who had just returned from the country and brought them here for lunch. Then all went to the Kingsbridge to see "Interrupted Melody" with Eleanor Parker and Glenn Ford and "The Bamboo Prison". Eisenhower asked Russia for exchange of all military blueprints and also aerial inspection.The Federal Court of Appeals barred loyalty evictions from Gov't housing. 

July 23 Picked up Sam & Molly and drove to Rockaway Park. We bathed in cool temperatures as it hit the nineties in the city. Yesterday was record high for the year 96.8°. The kids enjoyed the bathing immensely, riding the high waves joyously. We met Sheppie & Ray on the beach then went up to Rosie's apt when we saw Kate and Abe Stein and Marilyn and Millie. On the way to Rockaway we stopped off in Bellerose and saw Lil & Susan.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


July 10 Sunday We had dinner here with Jerry & Madeline who just returned from Florida. Later Lil, I and the kids played scrabble.

July 11 Eugene drew "Rocket Beyond the Earth" M. Caidin, "The Lights in the Sky are Stars" F. Brown, "The Complete Chess Player" F. Reinfeld, "The Joe Louis Story" J. Louis. He played with Bobby R. who was over here. Three Americans who had refused repatriation after the Korean War returned here with statements that Red China was a "Hell". 

July 12 Sarah R. and the kids drove Lil and the kids to Orchard Beach where all the kids swam around. Pres. Eisenhower killed the Dixon Yates pact, target of all liberals. A municipal power plant will be built. 

July 13 I drove them Eugene to Bobby's then Sylvia and I drove to St James where we played tennis. ,,,. I also played with Louise and beat H. Levitt.  

July 14 Mom and pop took Lil and the kids to Bellerose for a re-union. They went to Korvette [sic] there where Lil bought an iron $7 while pop bought a fan. I beat Levitan at St James.

The box score of the baseball All Star Game, played on July 12, was taped in here, and dad wrote this entry, and the 7/15 entry, around it. 

July 15 Lil and Sylvia went to the Valentine to see "Daddy Long Legs" with Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron, which they enjoyed very much and "The Man from Bitter Ridge". Eugene watched the ball game.The "Times" and the "News" each fired reporters who had been called members of the C.P. at one time and now invoked the 5th Amendment before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. 
Went to Dr. Robbins and had Xray and cleaning

July 16 We took a drive and ended up at the Westchester Airport but did not see any planes arrive as it was too late. First we had visited the new "Adventurers" and had hot dogs, french fried and drinks. The kids played a few games.

Saturday, February 10, 2024


Note: post title is not a typo!

June 26 Sunday We drove to Rye where we played some games. Sylvia [a boat] and Eugene [a straw hat] won rabbit races and got prizes. I got a lei for a basketball shot. We got home early and I drove Molly and Sam over here. We watched television and then played scrabble. Lillian had an upset stomach ...

The prizes we won were written in between the lines, above our names. 

June 27 Eugene Lil & I drove to the midtown area to buy an ice chest but could get no place to park. We drove to Wall & William and got flashlight and film at Goldsmith's but no ice chest. We then drove to 149 st and got one at the Strauss Stores $3.50. Silleman Evans is dead at 61 and Borah [sic] Minevich at 52. 

June 28 Drove Lillian to Dr Holzman where she had her basal metabolism. Then we drove around for some business. Lillian got some plastics. Eugene and I played tennis in the afternoon then I beat H. Levitt. After supper we drove to mom and pop's to say goodbye. Rachel & Mayer were also there. Dr Edward Bernecker is dead at 63 and Harry Agganis at 25.

June 29 I went with Eugene to Adler's where he got a pair of summer sandals $4. Lillian's metabolism is -6 and Dr Holzman wants to see her tomorrow morning. 

June 30 to July 9 We left on our trip at 9 AM, first taking Eugene and his friends to school then stopping at Dr Holzman's where he said Lil should eat sea food and not have an operation during the summer. We arrived in Syracuse 8:30 PM. The next day we spent bathing at Green Lake at [sic] picnicking over there. Sadie and Bernie grilled delicious hamburgers. We left Saturday and stayed at a cabin in Camp Woodland two miles from Clayton NY ($8). Eugene played baseball there with the proprietor's thirteen year old twins. We stayed at Camp Woodland. Sunday we took the Thousand Island boat trip; - a 3 1/2 [hour] sail in the Saint Lawrence River. Monday we drove to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side after crossing the Internal Bridge at Alex Bay. [International Bridge at Alexandria Bay] We stayed at Mrs. Dougan's near the falls. -$8. In the morning we drove to Whirlwind Gorge and the Cable Car ride across the Niagara River (Eugene wouldn't go) We crossed to the American side and went down to the bottom of the falls in a subway where we were swept with spray. We drove to Tonowanda where we stayed at the Simmons Motel $10, where the water was treated with sulphur [sic]. We reached Cooperstown late Wed. night but managed to get lodging at a home in town with the help of a tourist house owner who was filled. The night at Mrs Mallons was $11. Thursday we took in the Hall of Fame and Farmers Museum. We stayed at the Waggon Wheel cabins at East Branch $8. Friday we reached Evelyn's place on Brigg's Highway and stayed at Wagner's Sun Ray House across the way $7. We had a nice time at Ev's. Isabel is very pretty. We used the swimming pool. Also took a ride to Liberty where we shopped. Saturday we left at 2:30 and arrived home at 6 PM. We picnicked mostly using our stove and ice-chest during the trip. We spent about $160. Sylvia mostly drew during the trip and looked at her postcards. This is her obsession. She bought about 60 during the trip. In the city there was a heat wave reaching 95° several days. 

Wimbledon Trabert d. Nielsen 6-3,7-5,6-1. L Brough d. B.B. Fleitz 7-5,8-6. 
Dumb Dan Morgan is dead at 82. [a sort of box was drawn around this to separate it, apparently]
Wimbledon [written again, for some reason]

chess Russia 25 US 7 at Moscow. Reshevsky d. Bottwinik, World Champion, 2 1/2-1 1/2

At the top of one of the pages of this entry, dad wrote "Total mileage 1350. Cost $155". The second "We stayed at Camp Woodland" was inserted between the lines; apparently dad didn't notice that he had already written that. I remember playing baseball with some kids when we stayed at some cabin. "Waggon Wheel" was apparently the actual name, not a typo; at least, I found a post card on-line with that name. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


June 19 [Sunday, although dad didn't note it] I got sport shirt and pyjamas for Father's Day. We drove to pop's where we gave Canadian Club, socks & tie. We had a nice dinner together with Lil & family. Eugene won a chess game from pop. When we left we drove to City Island and spent an hour there having ice cream & hot dogs. 

June 20 We got a parking ticket for obstructing the crosswalk in front of our house. Jack Fleck, an unknown won the Nat'l Golf Open beating the great Ben Hogan in the playoff. 

June 21 At the 10th Anniversary of the founding of the UN at its birthplace, San Francisco, President Eisenhower pledged U.S.'s cooperation for a new kind of peace with the atom as a productive servant, before the delegates of sixty member nations. 

June 22 Lloyd Paul Stryker is dead at 70. 

June 23 Lillian visited Dr Holzman and found she had an adenomal cyst of the goitre thyroid. The Scelba gov't resigned today. India & Russia formerly called for a nuclear weapons ban and recognition of China's rights on Formosa and the U.N. Frank Hayes is dead at 46. 

Part of the words "adenomal cyst" are crossed out and the word "thyroid" written, in pencil, in what I believe is mom's handwriting, on top of the word "goitre", scanned in below. 


June 24 I started my vacation today while Lillian finished up work today. Scientists at a congressional hearing on the Salk 'polio' vaccine voted 8-3 to continue giving shots during the summer. Archie Moore Lightheavyweight champ K.O.'d middleweight champ Bobo Olson in the 3rd round. Eugene drew "Shambleau and Others " C.L. Moore, "Fighting Caravans" Z. Grey, "City" C. Simak, "Far From the Customary Skies" W. Eyster, "Calculus" J.V. McKelvey. A.A.Troyanovsky died at 73 and Amon Carter at 75. Sylvia had a club party here to which five girls came out of ten invited. Susan G, Susan C, Lucy G, Roberta G, Eileen D. They danced, had refreshments and romped. I drove them home. 

June 25 Eugene and I simonized the car this morning. We took Jerry and Madeline to Cross County Center in the afternoon. Sylvia met two Quannacut girls Abbey Bernstein and Judy Sapadin at the "Y" - 53 st. They had some hamburgers, French fried and eggcream then came here. They went out to play miniature golf then played Monopoly here. We drove Abbey home at 108 st. and Brdway [sic] then put Judy on the Subway at 53 st. & 7. She lives in Forest Hills. Soviet planes downed a U.S. plane off Alaska. Three crew members were wounded. Hy Turkin is dead at 40.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


June 12 Sunday Molly and Sam were over here for dinner then we drove to Milton's. Andy is adorable Seth is very nice. We left after a terrific hail storm. 65 were killed and 75 injured in the worst racing car disaster ever. A flaming car exploded in a crowd of spectators at Le Mans France. Eisenhower signed our pay rise bill with re-classification. Walter Hampden is dead at 75. 

June 13 G.M. signed a similar agreement to Ford with the U.A.W. giving partial security to laid off workers. Carmen Basilio K.O.'d 'Tony DeMarco in the 12th round to win the latter's 70 day old Weterweight [sic] championship. 

June 14 Peron is engaged in a battle to the death with the Catholic Church in Argentina. 

June 15 The 17 day railway strike ended in England with mediation set. Two Catholic prelates were deported from Argentina. Eugene went to a party given by the Math Society and team and enjoyed the refreshmemts.

June 16 Many cities including New York participated in a mock H-Bomb test. Millions of Americans were presumed killed and more millions wounded. Top leaders of the country were dispersed in about 30 hideouts with President Eisenhower directing affairs from a secret headquarters. 

June 17 Lillian got summer shoes at Alexanders' $4. A revolt touched off by the repression against the Church in Argentina got under way led by rebels in the armed forces. Hundreds were killed and injured as churches were burned. 

June 18 We picked up Molly and drove to Woodlawn. Sylvia was in Tibbetts Brook Park attending an outdoor party for Susan Cohen. They had delicatessen and punch and played games. I went on the courts with Eugene and his first stroke hit the ball over the fence. On the second he crashed into the backstop and fell to the ground. He bumped his nose and scraped his arm. When he felt uncomfortable we called a city ambulance but by that time he was better. We went on again later and his tennis improved as we played. In the evening Lil and I went out with Sylvia. I got sneakers at Davega then we got knishes hot dogs and whipped cream cakes in Burnside. Carlyle Blackwell is dead at 71 and John Golden at 81.

I do not remember hitting the ball over the fence. I definitely remember running into the fence.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


June 5 Sunday Mom and pop Lil Harry and the kids over and stayed for supper. The girls played games and danced. Syl & Eugene played the piano. We watched the ball games. 

June 6 Eugene came home tired after playing handball with several boys. 

June 7 Ford and the U.A.W. after long arbitration reached an agreement for a three year pact providing cash benefits for laid off workers in answer to the union's demand for a guaranteed annual wage.

Dad wrote "arbitration" but it was a negotiation; no arbitrators were involved. 

June 8 Nehru received an unprecedented welcome in Moscow.  

June 9 A boy stabbed a Community Center teacher in the latest juvenile delinquency case.  

June 10 Sylvia's class went to North Tarrytown to see Washington Irving's home, Phillipps [sic[ Castle and surroundings. Lillian bought bedspreads for the kids. Klein's $10.

June 11 On a rainy day Sylvia and Nancy went to the Kingsbridge to see "Battle Cry" with Van Heflen and Aldo Ray and "Dial Red O". Bobby R came up here to see Eugene.

Thursday, August 3, 2023


May 29 Sylvia and friends went to the Paradise to see "The Glass Slipper" with Leslie Caron and Michael Wilding. Also Alec Guinness in "The Detective". 

May  30 Lil and the kids went to the Lido where they saw Disney's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Also "New York Confidential". A dock strike in London and other ports in England as a national railroad strike was called. 

May 31 Met Lillian at the Subway and we drove to Cross County where we shopped at the First Nat'l food market. I also got a pair of summer shoes at Beck's $4. 

June 1 Met Lillian and we shopped at Deitch's then Alexander's where I got a sport jacket $7 and we bought denims for Eugene $2.19. Eugene drew "Danny" W.&S. Cunningham, "The Pleasures of Chess" Assiac, "The Atom Spies" (non-fiction) O. Pilat, "Adventure Calls" ES Smith, "Basic Astronomy" P van de Kamp, and "Costigan's Needle" J. Sohl. China freed four American fliers after a long campaign to free them and others. The Supremes followed its last years ruling that public school segregation was unconstitutional with a direction that desegregation must be effectuated within a reasonable time. The regional Federal Courts are to oversee this program. 

June 2 Eugene went to "Science" Field Day today. He watched a student track meet, then played soft ball. Russia and Yugoslavia issued a joint declaration after the Tito-Kruschchev talks advocating prohibition of atomic weapons, admission of Red China to the U.N.  

June 3 Eugene, Red, Jerry and Marty played handball and were challenged by a 'kid' who beat them all. 

I remember that well; he was much smaller, and surely younger, than we were, but much more skilled. 

June 4 We drove to Palisade [sic] Amusement Park where Sylvia went on rides, Eugene played games, we had drinks and ice cream and hot dogs and Eugene won a prize for knocking six milk bottles off a table with three balls. We were sent home by showers. Lil & I visited Mrs. Thau at the Grand Ave Nursing Home.